Forum Discussion
Tiberian Sun (TS)
To fix the problem when TS crashes when a disruptor fires, download Hyper's patch here:
Incorrect Version Error - This occurs when trying to play TS:FS online after TFD patch 1.03 (Revision 4) has been installed.
It is caused by the Firestorm Videos Addon, which is seen as a mod. Delete the expand02.mix in the TS folder to fix this problem
(or move the file somewhere else, if you still want to be able to put it back for single play).
"One or more dll files are missing" error on Vista/7: To fix this error, make sure the game is running as Administrator:
Browse to the game folder, right click on "Game.exe" -> Properties -> Compatibility > Tick "Run This Program as an Administrator".
Do that for all .exe (applications) in the Sun folder.
Note: This error can also occur if you do not install as Admin (See top of guide!)
Online play:
CnCNet is now also available for Tiberian Sun, for more information & download instructions visit:
LAN play has been made possible on Vista/7 with this fix made by Scorpio9a:
It will cause trouble connecting to online play (wsock32.dll error) so use this launcher program to play online games:
Extract the files to your TS folder and then click on TS_Online.exe to launch the game.
Note: TFD 1.03 Revision 4 installs this file by default, if you do not require it then delete wsock32.dll from your TS folder.
Red Alert 2 (RA2)
Black Screen, or sound with no picture.
Watch and follow this video:
Slow FPS on RA2? download this DLL file from PPM and place it in your RA2 folder:
You can also try disabling the video back buffer option, add the following to your ra2.ini file in the [Video] section:
You can also try the unofficial RA2 1.007 patch and tick the box saying "Disable Hardware Acceleration" and see if that helps.
You can get the patch here:
"***FATAL*** String Manager Failed to Initialize Properly" error on Vista/7: To fix this error, make sure the game is running as Administrator:
Browse to the game folder, right click on "Game.exe" -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Tick "Run This Program as an Administrator".
Do that for all .exe (application) files in the RA2 folder.
Note: This error can also occur if you do not install as Admin (See top of guide!)
LAN play has been made possible on Vista/7 with this fix made by Scorpio9a:
It will cause trouble connecting to online play (wsock32.dll error) so use this launcher program to play online games:
Extract the files to your RA2 folder and then click on RA2_Online.exe to launch the game.
Note: TFD 1.03 Revision 4 installs this file by default, if you do not require it then delete wsock32.dll from your RA2 folder.
Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge (YR)
Slow FPS on YR? download this DLL file from PPM and place it in your RA2 folder:
You can also try disabling the video back buffer option, add the following to your ra2md.ini file in the [Video] section:
Lockup/Long Loading time on YR:
Try running the game in compatibility mode (right-click the game's exe file, click on properties, compatibility) for Windows 98/ME.
"***FATAL*** String Manager Failed to Initialize Properly" error on Vista/7: To fix this error, make sure the game is running as Administrator:
Browse to the game folder, right click on "Gamemd.exe" -> Properties -> Compatibility > Tick "Run This Program as an Administrator".
Do that for all .exe (application) files in the RA2 folder.
Note: This error can also occur if you do not install as Admin (See top of guide!)
LAN play has been made possible on Vista/7 with this fix made by Scorpio9a:
It will cause trouble connecting to online play (wsock32.dll error) so use this launcher program to play online games:
Extract the files to your RA2 folder and then click on YR_Online.exe to launch the game.
Note: TFD 1.03 Revision 4 installs this file by default, if you do not require it then delete wsock32.dll from your RA2 folder.
Renegade (Ren)
"***FATAL*** String Manager Failed to Initialize Properly" error on Vista/7: To fix this error, make sure the game is running as Administrator:
Browse to the game folder, right click on "Game.exe" -> Properties -> Compatibility > Tick "Run This Program as an Administrator".
Do that for all .exe (application) files in the Renegade folder.
Note: This error can also occur if you do not install as Admin (See top of guide!)
If Vista/7 tells you Renegade has stopped functioning correctly when starting, run it in compatibility-mode for Windows-XP.
Generals (Gen)
Gentool: for Widescreen support & anti cheat for online games, more info here:!
DirectX errors: check that you are running the game in a screen resolution that your graphics card supports, if it is not change
the settings in options.ini (Generals Data folder in My Documents) to a screen resolution that your card supports.
Shell Maps:
If you are on Windows Vista/7 and the shell maps (moving backgrounds) are not working then try putting generals.exe into Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode.
Generals load crashes
Look in the "My Documents" folder, you should see a folder called "Command and Conquer Generals Data", inside of that should be a file called "options.ini"
Open it and replace the contents with this then save it:
DrawScrollAnchor =
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = false
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 0
Resolution = 1280 1024
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 100
SFXVolume = 90
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
StaticGameLOD = High
UseAlternateMouse = no
VoiceVolume = 100
Generals: Zero Hour (ZH)
Gentool: for Widescreen support & anti cheat for online games, more info here:!
DirectX errors: check that you are running the game in a screen resolution that your graphics card supports, if it is not change
the settings in options.ini (Zero Hour Data folder in My Documents) to a screen resolution that your card supports.
Shell Maps:
If you are on Windows Vista/7 and the shell maps (moving backgrounds) are not working then try putting generals.exe into Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode.
can't join online games in Zero Hour: Some people using Zero Hour can't join online games, they are grey in the lobby - the solution for this is to run the game as admin.
Zero Hour does not connect online: go to Programs and Features, select TFD and click Change. Untick Zero Hour, let the setup program remove it and then follow the same steps
again except this time tick the box. Zero Hour should now work online.
Zero Hour load crashes:
Look in the "My Documents" folder, you should see a folder called "Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data", inside of that should be a file called "options.ini"
Open it and replace the contents with this then save it:
DrawScrollAnchor =
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = false
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 0
Resolution = 1280 1024
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 100
SFXVolume = 90
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
StaticGameLOD = High
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
VoiceVolume = 100
Zero Hour Game Hosting Problems:
If you have trouble hosting open these ports in your router:
TCP: 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920
UDP: 4321, 27900
In game - go to the options page and enter 4321 in the "Force Port" section. Seems the game needs a UDP port here. All TCP ports gave errors if tried. If you have a Netgear router check the box for "Send Delay".
If you don't have a Netgear router, try it off first then on if you still can't host. Click "Refresh NAT" a couple times. It will look as if nothing happened. Don't worry. Go to multiplayer and create a game.
It should load up ok when all players ready.
NOTE: Each time before you create a multiplayer game, go into the main options screen and click "Refresh NAT" a couple of times, THEN go into multiplayer and create a game.
Online Problems:
"Could Not Connect" errors:
Open the following Ports on your firewall:
TCP Ports: 7000, 7001, 7002, 3840, 4005, 4808, 4810, 4995, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920
UDP Ports: 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 4000*, 4321, 5400*, 5009**, 27900 (* = TS, ** = TD & RA1)
"Westwood Shared Internet components not installed" error: download the following file:
put it in the INTERNET folder of your TFD installation and run it there. If all goes well, you will
get two Windows message boxes telling you that "DLLRegistryServer succeeded" for a DLL file.
If you get one or more boxes informing you of a failure, you need to run as administrator.
Additional Stuff:
More addons, fixes and extras for your games can be found on Nyerguds' TFD Fixes Page:
Lost your manual/cd case?
This utility will find your registry keys if you already have the games installed:
TFD fast launcher: No more waiting for logos to disappear on startup!
Many thanks for these solutions go to: aaaaaaaaarrrgghh, Antares376, Apoc, Beowulf, CeloUK63, Cheesew1z, Chickendippers, Steve Childs, CommanderJustice, Cncforensven, Cypher, Dragonsbrethren, Elearen, Frankaz, Gamecraziness, greydark, hifi, Hipsu , Hottentottene, Hyper, JTBomb, killboy06, Kirouk, Koen, Komfr, Madrox8, Mattf121, Matze, Mensmans, Moonypond, nathancnc, Noodlesocks, Npsmith, Nucleus1639, Nyerguds, Ryanz0r, Scorpio9a, Silverblade, Olaf van der Spek, THeBaka, TRIGRHAPPY, Ttyler, VK, Wardeathfun, XEZON, Zimbio81.
The link to enable LAN play is broken.
- Anonymous13 years ago
Which one?
But a lot of the links are.
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