Invalid license. Reason code=Missing DLL:{NxCharacter.dll}
It is May 5th, 2023. Earlier this evening I re-downloaded Dragon Age 2 onto a computer I built a couple of years ago during the pandemic and have been using happily as my hardcore gaming computer ever since. As a surprise to me, since my Mac laptop won't even try to run DA2, I saw that it launched just fine, and followed through with my intention to buy Origins so I could run the whole series.
I bought Origins Ultimate Edition on EA's new platform. It never successfully launched.
When I tried to launch it after the first main file was downloaded (the add ons were not done yet), it gave me the above error. Strange. I thought maybe it had something to do with waiting for everything to finish downloading.
Tried again, same. Repaired everything: same. Went to ye old 2016 post which told me to update my nvidia software. I did. I tried their SPECIFIC links to basically try putting my software into the past - it would not let me, which is probably for the best. Between each of these steps, I tried to launch the game and got the same error message.
I am on Windows10. There is no PhysX in my origin folder for me to fiddle with.
I just bought a game that doesn't work. Could someone please help me find a solution?
Download PhysX from here > Install it > Restart your Computer > test.