What version is Dragon Age Inquisition Game of the Year edition?
I got Dragon age inquisition game of the year edition recently and downloaded it from origin. Looking to see if it needed any patches, I'm left in somehwat of a confusion.
According to the various boards here, GOTY was released at the same time as patch 11, so I thought i'd be Checking for updates on origin gives 'no updates'. However, the file version according to windows (right click, properties, details) is The only thing that gives me any vague confidence is an update date of 22/9/15 - but it's worrying and I wanted to check to see if I had all the patches.
For future reference, the easiest way to check your patch number is to open 'package.mft' in your Update > Patch folder with notepad. If the version is 12, you've got patch 11 installed. 🙂 (This all becomes important if you want to use mods, otherwise you shouldn't have to look at it again, as I don't think there are going to be any further patches).