Forum Discussion
30 Replies
Hi all,
I have a few concerns about the upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
the gameplay trailer leaves a lot to be desired if the YouTube comments are to be listened to.
my biggest gripes are the combat, lore and art style. The combat appears over the shoulder style not dragon age like at all. The lore is not in continuity with the previous games, the pride demon, the darkspawn, they are all neon Christmas tree’s not dark and gritty at all.the art style is also not In line with previous games, as there is no blood or gore and the darkness is overwhelmed by sparkly effects and vibrant colours.
my BIGGEST gripe is the mispronounciation of Neve. It’s not pronounced ‘Nev’ like Neville it’s pronounced Neeve with emphasis on the ‘ee’ sound as it’s an anglicised version of the Gaelic ‘Niamh’ pronounced this way. My daughter is Neve and I know that Nev is not the way to pronounce it.
I know it’s early development, but I would like to see these things fixed in the game.Please listen to the community before you ruin the dragon age lore and games.
any other discussion?Hi,
see I’m not as excited. Doesn’t have the same feel as the previous ones.
I have a few gripes I detailed in another topic thread, but it needs improvement for the community to accept it..thanks
I'm honestly not into the companions for their romance, due to none of them appealing to me based on everything I've seen. I was excited after watching the Netflix series, hoping somehow Tassia would be a romanceable companion in this game, or even Qwydion.
It's too much to hope that they'd be DLC companions with romance-ability at some point, and I'm now I guess relying on mods to save the day for me and reward my playthrough with a companion that I find pretty/love their personality at least.
- Furblis9 months agoRising Adventurer
I LOVE IT! I simply cannot WAIT for the full release!
- SharpGoblin9 months agoLegend
The trailer is awesome.
- joseluisduran019 months agoRising Rookie
I'm sorry, but from my point of view and with respect to all opinions this IS NOT DRAGON AGE.
It has a visual style more similar to Overwatch than to this saga. Not only in the characters, but in the environments, lighting and color palette. Everything has a simplistic and childish touch, very typical of a Disney witch movie. It reminds me of what happened with Diablo 3 compared to Diablo 2. I think the new art direction is a complete mistake. The best thing about Dragon Age has always been its stories, the relationships (of all kinds) between characters and increasingly better and more realistic graphics. It's a step back. I definitely WON'T BUY this game.
Here coherence is confused with evolution.
Dragon Age has evolved over the years in all its aspects, but always in one direction: taking advantage of increasingly powerful hardware to display and enjoy diverse and richly created worlds. Sometimes they have stumbled with the style of play (DA2), but they have never taken a step back in the graphic quality, in that dark and sinister tone that surrounds the game, beyond more colorful areas (e.g. its forests). I DO NOT CRITICIZE the playability of this game, nor its multiple possibilities, but rather the decision made in a WRONG ARTISTIC DIRECTION in my opinion, infantilizing magnificent designs, I suppose to seek a more casual, adolescent or excessively in need of a hairstyle audience. personalized, all at the expense of the love for detail and realism (especially facial) of the characters in the interactive cinematographic scenes, a trademark of the BIOWARE house. DA has changed the art style in every game in the series, which is nothing new.
Liking a certain style and disliking another is very human, but also very subjective.
Imho the style of DAtV is not childish or Disney like at all, but it is also a bit too colourful for my taste.
But that is complaining on a high level, the graphics are certainly not bad and combat looks fun.The most important thing about DA to me is not the art style or the combat, but the story and character development, and there's nothing in the trailers or other releases that has me worried that the game won't be up to the highest DA standards in that regards.
Edit:typo.Personally, I find the bright colors and everything looking way to neon to be an odd choice about a world and time fighting to NOT END in APOCALYPSE.....but everyone's opinion is different. Me, I will wait and see, the combat is hard to judge since most things were locked away, and other than a bit of mundane fights, not much was shown on HOW exactly combat will happen, especially at higher levels.
Biggest issue is the Death of Bianca.....that was harsh, and uncalled for.....
@mcsupersport wrote:
Biggest issue is the Death of Bianca.....that was harsh, and uncalled for.....
After all this upgrades..... 😢
- @Vandymon I agree with you, the game has lost it's way. They've taken away the blood and the gore and it doesn't have that feel to it like the other games had. This is a game that i won't buy sorry to say.
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