Forum Discussion
Why bother? It's not a real romance for Rook. Lucanis very obviously was not originally a romance option for Rook. He was meant to romance Neve and was probably opened up for Rook as an afterthought or for marketing purposes. Problem is they forgot to rewrite him to actually show interest in Rook :)
- fishonamission5 months agoNew Vanguard
I can't believe they'd intentionally do that in a game that otherwise seems to be going after the DAII style of Everyone's Romanceable. But definitely lots of people are in the camp of saying Lucanis is written better for Never than for Rook.
- Midevil_Chaos4 months agoSeasoned Veteran
How does the last part make any sense? Considering, for example, that I played my female Rook as playful and sarcastic... Others played her more seriously. So depending on what a player chooses Rook to say, her personality would be VERY different.
- fishonamission4 months agoNew Vanguard
Correct me if I'm misunderstanding you. I suspect the people who say "Lucanis is written better for Neve than for Rook" aren't picking up on how well the different characters mesh. Instead, I think it's just that if you have Lucanis and Neve in the party together very often, they get more opportunities to banter and talk than Lucanis does with Rook, and a lot of folks pick up a flirty vibe from a lot of what they say to each other. Because you're right, Rook can end up with a range of personality types, and I think for what we did get, Lucanis can mesh pretty well with all of them.
I think this is just a symptom of them taking away the conversation wheel and being able to talk at-will to your companions. Rook gets less convo time compared to the excellent banter.
It's not a difficult fix, though. If folks don't like how Lucanis and Neve interact, then just don't keep them in a party together very often.
- zsusensei4 months agoSeasoned Traveler
Actually Rook better for Lucanis bc the only way he try to work with Spite fully and find a better way to heal his emotional wounds (romance quest) Meanwhile with Neve he just consider to get rid of spite, what is VERY risky in many ways.
Also I agree one thing Lucanis and Neve romance is written better unlike HardinxTaash but that's BW's fault they didn't write the other couples relationship better.- fishonamission4 months agoNew Vanguard
I hadn't considered it that way, but that's a super interesting take. Tbh I'm not done with the game yet, so I haven't seen how it progresses, much less how Lucanis progresses with Neve if Rook is with someone else.
- cornerbite4 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
To be fair, most of the characters don't show much intersst in Rook beyond when they need help with something. It's like the developers didn't even like their own main character.
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