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Why a Hardened Lucanis is sooo Different from a Hardened Neve - Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Some worthy arguments to be certain, but the fact of the matter is, a Shadow Dragon origin Rook is unjustifiably penalised. I understand that BioWare will probably not be addressing the issue any further, but I know for sure I will never pre-order a game from them in the future because of that situation. Yes, I feel that strongly about it.
A fan with 20+ years of dedication to BioWare.
- fishonamission4 months agoNew Vanguard
I watched the time segment that you recommended. I've been in the (possibly unpopular) camp that I personally don't respect the "It's what the character would do" when it comes to NPCs, especially when it leads to inequitable romance outcomes. It's why I'm also not a fan of "Canon Sexualities" - it only ends limiting Real Life People in favor of honoring fake fictional people.
I would be fine with "It's What Lucanis Would Do" if there was an alternative of "What Neve Would Do" also leads to a locked-off romance - that's at least a little more equitable. If every romance option had something that locked them off, that'd be even more interesting. In the medium of video-games (especially RPGs), I'm always going to favor Player Experience over the preferences over fictional people who Did Not Have To Be Written That Way.
Ultimately I think we generally agree that for one reason or another, this writing choice isn't 100% based in logic.
- cornerbite4 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
Agreed. Lock him out if you want, but lock Neve out as well for making the exact same choice. Consistency is what really has folks riled up here, not just that a hardened Lucanis is locked. I feel like if they hadn't thrown in the insult of Neve being a Minrathous Shadow Dragon he apparently can get over his personal stuff to date, folks would have just accepted it and quietly chosen to save Treviso next time around.
Of course, that's also setting aside it being questionable at all that you HAVE to make a choice which city you will PERSONALLY deploy to, sometimes an arbitrary one if you have an origin that isn't tied to the Dragons or the Crows and no real allegiance to either city, and you're punished for it in some way. But that's just one annoyance in a game that really has left me sour on the entirety of the brand in general.
- seliara174 months agoSeasoned Novice
It’s also frustrating/annoying because I wouldn’t even want to romance him half as much without the tension choosing Minrathous adds lol I romance Fenris as a mage for a reason.
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