Forum Discussion
Hi, I made an EA account JUST to reply to this. I have been having this issue consistently since the game came out. I have tried every single suggested fix I have found and nothing has worked. Patch 2 seems to have made the issue worse. My game is unplayable. I had no idea the EA forums existed or that this is apparently the go-to way to report bugs directly to Bioware/EA- I found it while struggling to find a Bug Report form or email. I have been posting about my issues on the Steam In-game Bugs discussion board without any idea if it's actually reviewed by developers.
I am linking to the thread I made on November 7, which has multiple people since then reporting the same issue:
Here is another thread someone else made that also has 13 posts reporting the same issue:
Here is a video I posted of the exact issue i am experiencing from the very start of the game. Skip to 1:25 minutes in to see how the audio issues start as soon as I leave Character Creation:
The game is unplayable. The audio distortion is so bad and so painful to listen to that I cannot get through the beginning cutscenes at all.
I'm playing a copy on Steam.
My computer specs:
Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
1.22TB of space on my SSD
- GinetteReno664 months agoSeasoned Scout
Hi Kell,
A lot of us have been having this issue since release unfortunately. Best I can figure based on the specs I've seen is that this seems to be an issue with intel processors. Seems like a lot of folks that have this issue are on intel chips. I myself have an i5-8600k, and have this issue. Your graphics card is much newer than mine (i've got a 1070 TI), so it's interesting to see that you are also still seeing this. Must be processor related imo, but until/unless Bioware ever answers us, we'll never know I suppose.
- Kellemvorr4 months agoNew Rookie
Thank you for the reply. I do think it's a CPU bottleneck issue with the processors. my graphics card is newer but my CPU is several generations old at this point, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the issue. But it's weird when I can run games like Baldur's Gate 3 and FFXVI just fine on it.
- GinetteReno664 months agoSeasoned Scout
I have also been able to run BG3 without any major issues.
Veilguard seems to hate intel processors for some reason. I dunno.
- Kellemvorr4 months agoNew Rookie
Patch 3 is out, it did not change a single thing about this game-breaking bug, and Bioware/EA still have yet to acknowledge the issue is even present, despite the number of people affected.
I'd really love to be able to play this game at some point, but I literally can't if this bug is never fixed.
About Dragon Age The Veilguard Technical Issues & Bug
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