Identity change
Hi, first of all sorry for my english.
I just want to report bug that happened to me recently. I finished the game once and wanted to do second run. It was all good, created character, got the game runing. After cca 40 hours in game, there was finally chance to lock romance. In that scene my love interest was talking to me as to man, what was confusing because it happened for first time after 40 hours and I was playing as female character. I went to mirror of transformation and there it said man he/him. I was very confused, because as i said i was playing as female. I searched saves and tried to load any of them. In every save I was in the mirror as man. Only one, that i was still female, is the one where i didnt interact with Varics shaving mirror. Even tho I just choose scar option there, it always swaps my gender.
It is very disappointing because it happened so late in the game. If it was like 2 hours It would be nothing for me. Whole 40 hours every NPC was talking with me as a woman and now after locking romance it just broke. So far I didnt find any solution for it.