2 months agoNew Rookie
Missing pre-order items
- What is your EA ID or Console ID? kdarnell2
- What platform are you playing on? PC
- What is happening? (and what do you expect to happen instead?)
I am missing the pre-order gear appearances. I pre-ordered on Oct 22 and should have the promotional items but only the Deluxe items show up in the chest
- Does this happen in a specific area of the game?
I can't find it anywhere in game and I have already completed 1 play-through
- Please share any steps you've tried so far to resolve the issue:
Have read as much of the forums as I could (can't find a solution), checked my email for proof (can forward the notification on drop day), checked for deadline on pre-order and found none
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip... have attached 2 screenshots, 1 the chest with deluxe items, and 2 the wardrobe after opening deluxe chest