5 months agoNew Novice
Report for bugs encountered so far
EAID is ElmeEast. I have 55 hours in the game, no mods being used playing on PC Steam.
- Game crashes when I travel to Arlathan Forest veilguard camp and start walking through the camp. Was able to work around it by fast traveling to another location in the forest.
- Enemies audio is cutting out, their lines of dialogue during battle cut short after audibly after they start but the subtitles for what they would have said are on the screen, but my companions battle dialogue is uninterrupted.
- Romanced battle dialogue is not working for me. I am romancing Emmrich am at bond level 10, and other players have him call them Darling during battle reactions/kills, but he still calls me Rook like he used to before being romanced.
- When I exit out of game it stays a black screen that still has sound for a few minutes before ending the program, so I usually force close it using steam.
Black screen example and battle romanced dialogue not working attached.