Forum Discussion
34 Replies
Just back at home. Everything is like in the days before after the move from Origin to EA App. NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 doesn't launch in the EA App.
The remastered version launches, but it's not playable since the problem with the deadzone (about 20%) was never fixed.
So it can't be a connection problem. The problem is the EA App, because with Origin everything worked fine.
- @EA_Darko This was a lie. Was forced to update a few days ago and can’t say I like the new app. I didn’t like origin but the EA app is so much worse
@EA_DarkoIm not sure what you're still doing here but you are not helping, not in the sub /EA App at least.
We had a run-in months ago and you were and still are completely disconnected from the reality and posts made in the subs for /EA Apps.
Either you don't understand or don't want to understand but you should not be allowed to interact in this sub forum.
With all the complaints, feedback and general discussion you have brought nothing of substance to this misseray of an application during development and go-live.
Last time I reported all your posts in the hope that upper mgm would see it and correct you but that does not seem to have happened.
Origin gets uninstalled and forces you to uninstall it for the sake and launch of the EA App, just because YOU haven't witnessed it yet as YOUR account or region haven't been affected yet does not make OUR observations untruthfull or wrong.
Learn to understand what you read and not what you think as you might not know everything.Well I must be crazy as well. Just two days ago I did a clean install of Windows. Because of issues with the EA App I installed Origin but decided to install the EA App just in case I need it in the future. It DID uninstall Origin but I just installed Origin again and have been playing my game in Origin ever since. There was an update today and it installed in the Origin app just fine. So if you are having problems I suggest trying to install Origin again.
Is there a specific reason to use Origin instead of the EA App?
It works! That's the reason most of us who still do, use it! The app only works properly 20% of the time for me. It is srsly trash at this point & needs a lot of work imo! Currently using trusty (for me) Origin bc I don't feel like un/reinstalling the app right now, as it keeps MAKING me update it when I go in, says it is dling ,then installing, then I click to open it again b/c it closes and does the same thing alll over again! 😞
@Tax0wlbear wrote:Is there a specific reason to use Origin instead of the EA App?
Well let's see here:
1) It shows multiple copies of the same game individually, clearly labelling Standard, Deluxe, Steam etc. EA Desktop mushes them all into one and you are not sure any more if that's some misguided sense of simplicity or if they deleted the other two copies (activations), leaving only one, like what happened when EA first returned to Steam (Steam keys were overriding Origin copies and visa versa until they fixed that).
2) Origin allowed us to choose the install directory for the client itself. EA app setup does not allow you to change the install directory and forces itself onto the C drive. What a brilliant idea! /s Let's just cut decades old Windows feature!
- @crazyDJSIRm same thing and im browsing all of the posts yet no real solution only BS how its probably fault on our side.
Can we stop blaming EA customers for not being informed that EA App has gone live for Steam OriginThinClient games?
The only reason i've still been using Origin is because Steam Games were not updated to work with EA App and would not launch.
I've made 2 threads about it, and both times met with "work in progress"
So would have been good to send a notification to your customers "Hey EA App is now compatible with Steam and Epic Game Stores!" or something.
Instead of just being greated with this screen that either uninstalls Origin, or you cant use Origin at all.....hell even put it on the splash screen.
Being forced to install this today.. RIP. From experience EA installers & apps are made by incompetent or overworked people forced to make a sub-par product, so I'm not looking forward to this.
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