Forum Discussion
There must be some form of licensing between the Desktop app and the Xbox game pass.
If this license is not properly integrated it could be the problem.
I saw it happened before with Mass Effect 3, but in the end this is nothing but speculation.
- holger14054 years agoHero+
JackStillAlive wrote:
Hell, even without a delay it's not acceptable to have an utterly terrible client(EA Desktop app, shouldn't even exist, Origin was fine) and a service that does not work for some users.I know that this is frustrating, but as said, EA Desktop is still a beta and Game Pass integration is very new.
Problems with such integration are inevitable.In regards to Origin, I am a member of this board for 9 years, and I can tell you, out of experience, that Origin was not that fine for many users. 😉
Imho this new client was long needed.
Now porting a client with a user base of +100 million and an almost infinite number of different hardware and software configurations and new features, like Game Pass integration, is complicated, to say the least.
- IKobi_Blade4 years agoRising Traveler@holger1405 Origin is still not fine, but EA managed to make EA Desktop so much worse, we better off using Origin as is.
They removed the already limited features and options we had on Origin, there is simply no reason to use EA Desktop.
The fact it has been months and EA has barely added anything the community asked, clearly shows how much EA doesn't listen to the costumers whasoever (which was also a problem with Origin).
It is so bad, that EA Desktop is not even able to show my full library of games. - holger14054 years agoHero+
It is a Beta.
Most if not all this features will be added by the time EA Desktop is a release candidate.
I would at least wait until then to complain.
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