@EA_Atic I have tried the methods as follows:
- Restart Computer
- Validating game files multiple times, on Steam and Origin (I own the game on steam) a reason for why on Origin will follow after this list.
- Restarting the game client
- Reinstalled 2042
- Reinstalled Origin
- Disconnected the link between EA and Steam accounts (reason will also follow after the list)
- Task Manager'd the clients
- Attempted a clean boot (I'm unsure if this was done correctly however I had tried it regardless and the amount of possible fixes is highly unlikely this would be the fix)
- Turning off all Overlays
- Checking the Nvidia Drivers
- Checking for all updates (I was able to update the game still, last updated I had attempted was the Liquidators event).
- Deleting Download Cache on Steam
- Launching through the Battlefield Launcher exe
- I always shut down my pc every night so this is a possible fix that would have worked a while ago.
As for what happens when I launch the game:
When I launch the game on steam the game appears to be working fine, sometimes the Easy Anticheat startup shows, sometimes it doesn't, most of the time it doesn't. Then the game goes to "Running" , then changes to "Stop" and then finally crashes and going back to "Play" after a short while (maybe 10-25 seconds), Origin loads up and I'm asked to sign into the client, I sign in no problem then the it takes the client to my games library where the page then crashes and says "looks like we're having some trouble right now, please restart the client or try again later" and I restart both the steam and Origin client and try again only for the process to be repeated. This has gone on for around 3 weeks now, I have recently installed a new version of Windows, whether that solves the problem I'm unsure and will check with you when I try it:
No it doesn't work still after installing the new windows update lol