Forum Discussion
try opening your hosts file (located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) in notepad
and adding this to the bottom
and relaunching origin (quit via taskbar)
it should stop origin seeing any potential updates and maybe the popup as well (but not your ability to log in or play games)
avatars won't load tho, despite them being cached, and you won't be able to read/change your cloud saves and the setting associated with them or do any microtranactions with virtual currency.
Sadly, this didn't work for me.
The dumb popup still shows up, rendering origin unusable.
I hate forced updates with every fiber of my being. There's gotta be a workaround so I can keep using the app that I'm used to and that I know works.
For now I'm going to see what's in my Steam library, I guess 😞
- 3 years ago
This issue has something to do with the display setting panel in Windows 11 .....
- 3 years ago
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- 8 hours ago