12 months ago
My EA app keeps crashing.
My EA app keeps crashing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, and restarted everything. Every time it crashes, it takes the game I'm playing with it so I keep having to restart at the same spot, please...
I have this issue too. I deleted the APP and reinstalled it, same thing.
It has been two days now since EA made me update the APP whereupon it started crashing.There is no option to not update.
It was working fine before.
I hope they fix it before the weekend so i can play the games i paid for.
I have run manually the EAUpdater.exe.
After that update the APP starts as usual.
Hi Onkelonken
I tried your suggestion - running the eaupdater.exe manually - located at C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\EA Desktop
It opened at DOS box and downloaded and updated, i restarted my PC and the same thing happened - APP crashed
thank you for trying to help appreciate it, i really hope they fix this soon.
Have you tried the other exe files within this folder?
Before I manually updated, I opened the EA_launcher or any other EA***** file, I don'r remember what file it was, but then the laucher started....