3 years ago
Windows PC EA app not launching
EA App not starting on windows 10. Try to reinstall, but this doesn`t help, app not working, just nothing happens after clicking on app, and if i go in the task manager the only think that i see is E...
its been nearly 3 weeks since my daughter had to download the ea app, since this change she has not been able to launch either ea app or the sims 4, i found in the log files an error that reads "10 [2023-02-19T11:15:59.170Z] PID: 26068 TID: 24568 ERROR (eax::components::gameLocalServices::GlsComponent::handleQtApplicationReady) An unrecoverable error happened when starting the app, handlers are not initialized."
i have been in discussion with EA an apparently this is the global fault that is affecting millions of players, completely unforgivable that it has taken this long and still going to resolve
I get similar errors. I've done all the C++ redists as a fresh install, and everything else suggested here. My error message is "(eax::components::gameLocalServices::GlsComponent::handleQtApplicationReady) An unrecoverable error [ErrorSideBySideDesktop] happened when starting the app, handlers are not initialized." -- Seems like EA have updated the error message recently,