I reached out to support and was told that the ONLY way to fix this problem was to restore an old account that I had previously used. When I told the rep that I no longer had access to that e-mail, therefore couldn't reset the password and restore the account, he told me that was the ONLY way to ever play an EA game online again and then disconnected the chat.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:43:43 PM): Thank you for contacting EA HELP, my name is Advisor, may I start with your first name please?
(6/17/2022, 7:44:06 PM): Hi Advisor I'm Rick
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:44:25 PM): Hello Rick! Nice to meet you. Hope you're doing good. How I can help you today?
(6/17/2022, 7:44:51 PM): I'm having trouble logging into online play for It Takes Two on PS5.
(6/17/2022, 7:45:08 PM): I'm having this exact problem:
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:45:12 PM): Thank you for sharing your concern with me. And no worries. I am here to help you with the login concern. Let me go ahead and check all the possible solutions for you. Could you please provide me with the email address which is associated with your EA account and PSN ID as well?
(6/17/2022, 7:45:22 PM): [edit: email address removed]
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:46:14 PM): Thank you for the email. I have sent a verification email, please check. The email has the subject line "Verify ownership of your EA Account" and you may have received it in your inbox or spam inbox.
(6/17/2022, 7:46:50 PM): 619391
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:47:11 PM): Thank you for the information. Give me a few moments while I check up the details for you.
And let me know your PSN ID as well?
(6/17/2022, 7:47:19 PM): commanderrikker
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:50:50 PM): Thank you!
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:54:38 PM): Alright, so I've checked the details for the PSN ID is linked under the deleted account. Have you ever contacted us for the account deletion?
(6/17/2022, 7:55:05 PM): nope
(6/17/2022, 7:55:20 PM): I changed my PSN ID a few years ago.
(6/17/2022, 7:55:32 PM): (When they allowed us to do that. Used to be DancerBoy411)
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:55:33 PM): Alright, so In that case is order to restore the account, you would need to reset the password using the same email used for the EA Account where your PSN ID is linked.
And you can get all the details in our help article under the section "Restore Deleted Accounts".
(6/17/2022, 7:55:49 PM): I've already reset the password many times.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:56:11 PM): May I know If you're resetting the password for the EA Account [edit: email address removed]?
(6/17/2022, 7:56:17 PM): Yes.
(6/17/2022, 7:56:26 PM): That's what the error message on the PS5 says to do.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:57:28 PM): Well, the EA Account [edit: email address removed] has been recently created and I hope you have been playing EA games on your PSN Account for a quite long.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:57:47 PM): So you're resetting the password for the incorrect EA Account.
(6/17/2022, 7:58:37 PM): OK. So how do I reset the password for the 'old' account?
Advisor (6/17/2022, 7:59:49 PM): You would need to recall the email for the EA Account where your PSN ID is link.
Have you check the article I've share with you in order get the information?
(6/17/2022, 8:00:48 PM): From what I'm seeing, I need to assign a new e-mail to this new account?
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:01:58 PM): Read the section "Restore Deleted Accounts".
(6/17/2022, 8:02:38 PM): Yeah so I changed the e-mail for the 'new' account.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:03:47 PM): Alright, If you think the email for the old EA Account is [edit: email address removed].
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:04:14 PM): Then you're try to reset the password and If you still get the same error then you would need to recall the correct email.
(6/17/2022, 8:04:24 PM): So I did that, and then went to reset the password but it says that there is no account associated with that e-mail.
(6/17/2022, 8:04:52 PM): A long time ago I had an e-mail [edit: email address removed] but I don't have that e-mail anymore.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:05:13 PM): Then you must have another email for the EA Account where your PSN ID is linked you can only able to make any changes for the account once you restore it by resetting the password once the account is deleted even we don't get any option to make any changes for the account.
(6/17/2022, 8:06:33 PM): OK I tried a couple e-mails in the 'reset password' page and found "[edit: email address removed]".
(6/17/2022, 8:06:39 PM): I don't have access to that e-mail anymore.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:09:43 PM): Well, as I informed there's only one option available in order restore the account.
It can be only done once you use the correct email to reset the password.
(6/17/2022, 8:10:25 PM): I used the reset function, but as I said, I don't have access to that e-mail anymore. I can't possibly be the first person who has change their e-mail address.
(6/17/2022, 8:11:16 PM): I'm requesting a brand new account attached to my existing playstation ID.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:13:07 PM): Rick, so at this point it looks like we're going around in circles. I am afraid it looks like this conversation is not going anywhere, all this while I've been trying to help you and nothing else in fact personally speaking that is how I approach every new contact.
And I do not want you to take my word for it if you please you can try contacting us again and the next advisor will tell you the exact same thing. Not just that any community manager on the forums will tell you the exact same thing as well so please know that nobody is cutting any corners here.
Because once the account is deleted even we don't get any option to make any changes for the account.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:14:06 PM): We can perform account recovery If the account is active and player doesn't have the access.
But this can't be done since your account is deleted.
(6/17/2022, 8:14:18 PM): Right so how do we make a NEW account to attach to my playstation ID?
(6/17/2022, 8:14:30 PM): I've followed the instructions in the article you sent me EXACTLY.
(6/17/2022, 8:14:59 PM): I really don't care about the account history.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:15:52 PM): Get the access to the email you don't have it and reset the password for the account and there's no option you would unless you restore the account.
Advisor (6/17/2022, 8:17:06 PM): Do you have any further concerns apart from this?
(6/17/2022, 8:17:16 PM): Again, that e-mail address is gone. I updated my PSN ID years ago with my new e-mail.
(6/17/2022, 8:17:30 PM): Yes, I have MANY concerns. How do I create a NEW account and attach it to my PSN ID?
(6/17/2022, 8:17:53 PM): I really don't want to wait to talk to someone else. That took over 45 minutes.
At this point he told me he couldn't help me and I we were just going in circles. Then he disconnected the chat.
Please Dear God tell me there is someone at EA who can reset an account?
CM edit: removed names to protect Advisor privacy.