Double Subscription
Fix the Double Subscribed pop up message
So fun fact, if you get paid to do a job atleast do it thoroughly and not half *. Since you have a horrible inability to code or you weren't born with a braincell I'll do it for you....
To display a notification bubble at the top of the UI in the Origin application (or any similar application that uses a custom widget system), you’ll need to follow these general steps. I'll outline a conceptual approach in a pseudo-code style that can be adapted to the specific technology or framework Origin uses.
Here's a general example of how you might implement a non-intrusive notification bubble widget:
1. Define the Notification Bubble Widget
Create a new widget class for the notification bubble. This class will be responsible for rendering the bubble and managing its behavior.
// NotificationBubble.h
#include <QWidget> // Assuming Qt framework for GUI
class NotificationBubble : public QWidget {
NotificationBubble(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
void showNotification(const QString &message);
void hideNotification();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
QString notificationMessage;
// NotificationBubble.cpp
#include "NotificationBubble.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QTimer>
NotificationBubble::NotificationBubble(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent), notificationMessage("") {
setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip); // Use tooltip style for non-intrusive display
setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); // For a translucent background
setFixedSize(300, 50); // Set fixed size for the bubble
void NotificationBubble:😕howNotification(const QString &message) {
notificationMessage = message;
update(); // Trigger a repaint to display the message
// Hide the bubble after a delay
QTimer:😕ingleShot(5000, this, &NotificationBubble::hideNotification); // 5 seconds
void NotificationBubble::hideNotification() {
void NotificationBubble:😛aintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) {
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, notificationMessage);
2. Integrate the Widget into the Application
Ensure your application is set up to create and manage the NotificationBubble widget.
// MainApplication.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include "NotificationBubble.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QMainWindow mainWindow;
// Create the notification bubble and add it to the main window
NotificationBubble *bubble = new NotificationBubble(&mainWindow);
bubble->setGeometry(0, 0, 300, 50); // Position at the top of the main window
// Simulate showing a notification
bubble->showNotification("This is a notification message!");;
return app.exec();
3. Trigger Notifications from Within Your Application
You can trigger notifications from different parts of your application by calling the showNotification method on the NotificationBubble instance.
Framework Specifics: Adjust the code according to the framework or technology stack used by Origin. For instance, if Origin uses a different UI library or programming language, the specifics will differ but the overall approach will be similar.
Styling: Customize the appearance of the bubble to match your application's theme, including colors, fonts, and size.
Positioning: Make sure the bubble is positioned correctly and does not overlap with other critical UI elements.
This approach ensures the notification is visible but does not obstruct the user's interaction with the rest of the application.
I have two yearly subscriptions one by gamepass which I didn't ask for and one by your application. Upon attempting to play anygame with both subscritptions active the game will close and that message will stay locked on the screen. I've canceled both subscriptions but because they run out after time I have to wait for them to run out. So here's the deal.... You can't * temp ban people for just paying for your yearly subscription. It's common sense, really it is! My 3 year old is laughing at the level of code you guys actually put effort into if you want to call it effort at all.
Maybe just maybe you use that sweet little brain that god blessed you with and you attempt to add a notification widget like every other game host platform and send people notifications when they have an active account message instead of just closing the game and forcing them to read that message repeatedly. Creativity isn't rockect science, it's just * common sense. Do your job thoroughly or * off and give it to someone who will have enough ambition with their life to do it thoroughly