Difficulty settings gone after starting career?
At some point today I lowered the AI difficulty setting, and I think later I started a new career. But come the first race I realized I had lowered them too much and it was too easy, so not much fun.
So I went into the settings, and I go from the first category to the last one, one by one, setting by setting inside each, and I can't find it. So I go online, and watch a YouTube video where the user shows there's actually a category called Difficulty. Well, this category seems to be gone completely. I can't access it neither from the main menu settings or the settings once I go into my career (I'm not sure if these are different, or the same settings just accessed from different places).
I exited the game a few times, loaded it again, but that settings category is gone. This seems to me like a bug, but I'm hesitant to report it as such because I'm very new to the game.
BTW, this is on Windows 11.