12 months ago
Incorrect Playoff Rewards
Edit 26/04: There are reports once more of teams not receiving the correct playoff rewards. If you've encountered this issue, please report it in this thread. FYI: If you reply to this thread, p...
Product: EA SPORTS FC 24
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? danzerafc
Which mode has this happened in? Clubs
Which part of the mode? Club Match
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? We player the playoff last weekend and this week obtaining the results of 12W and 3L, but when we entered to check the results It was saying that we were in the 0° position winning just a few points.
What happens when the bug occurs? We didnt receive our rewards.
What should be happening instead? Receive our rewards
Attached our results and our rewards.
It was exactly the same with us. Played our first Playoffs and went 10-5 and it said we became 0th. Only got 65k fans as a reward