People! I tried something diferent and in my case i could get forward to next season!
Sorry for my english, but i have to try to help you guys! I put my game in english for more acurracy on the names options
I will put the photos in the files of my replay.
step 1 - dont start the save that you have in "continue player career".
Step 2 - insted, click in:
Player Career /
Load Player Career
Step 3 - in theory, you should have one save maybe by the name "save automatically in Player Career" before the last one you saved.
(In my case i have one saved (automatically) at
1:30pm and my saves after by 4:54pm and the new save (when i craked the glich) at 7:09pm.?)
Step 4 - click in your last automatically save that you have of this player career mode
Should open one match before your last game/day of the season.
I've tried only push forward and skiped the last game (i just didnt care of the result , only geting in next season).
Step 5 - get forward for last game, i skiped mine, but if you want you can try to do the match and then jump to end of season. I hope it will open correctally the tranfer screen with all options you need to get to the next season!
and this time everything went well, I moved on to the new season!
I hope i could help you all guys! 🙏🏻
Sorry if dont work with you 😔
But try anyway!
MikeOsorio 14/11/2033
Cause The support only let me put 3files per post, im going to post in 3 separeted posts by order 😅