Forum Discussion
game just closes mid game, lost 4 winning games that way! 1 in rivals and 3 in weekend league.. if they don't fix it i'll never buy this game again
- 8 months ago
Anyone else having issues with the Copa America TOP 3 challenge not registering, I have a full squad of Arg player but no joy.
- 8 months ago
FC24 has been a poor experience and it’s sad that EA doesn’t appear to listen to feedback in these forums, as nothing ever changes. My annoyances:
- Stuttering / laggy gameplay with motion blur animations and glitchy animations in replays
- Was awarded a penalty on the half way line 😂
- Boring repetitive pre match cut scenes and crazy decision to remove line up walk out intros on current gen, this kills the build up atmosphere
- Can’t change camera in Euro mode
- Some stadiums have roofs / poles that block camera view
- Shirts and name / numbers look worse with the stretch tech
- Fans in the grounds all look the same, clones
- Commentary is limited and not very exciting
- Crowd chants and stadium anthems are missing
- Flickering lighting in stadiums / nets
- Ball control and player movement doesn’t look natural - why not improve animations with all the match footage supposedly in hand
- Ball just sticks to AI feet
I wish there was less of a money grab focus on UT and instead EA would make a great looking game for all modes that looks and feels real, which starts by listening to the feedback in these forums and acting on them to improve the game.
- 8 months ago
Nobody listens. This game deserves to be put out of business. A lot of people have been complaining about certain issues since Nov when they first started destroying this game with their awful patches. And they've done the opposite.
It's wildly unbalanced, borderline unplayable but they don't care as long they swindle another buck from you it doesn't matter.
None of these magical BS cards they keep releasing make any different whatsoever, they all play the same. Get excited for the next card that can do a ball roll or what skill you want to spam.
Custom Tactics in this game are the single worst thing ever introduced in any video game to date. They're the reason why every single game is identical because this LOW IQ game really just boils down to, Copy Tactic, Watch A.I. intercept the ball high, Do 1 pass, Score, Rinse and repeat. This is no need to time your tackles, play a passing game, close down space yourself or really do anything, you can luck your way through games depending in how many favorable rebounds/deflections, awful animations or random mistakes CREATE CHANCES FOR YOU.
The connection is terrible but your internet will get blamed., lol.
The people who created this game literally believe they created a work of art, a masterpiece that can't be criticized. When really all this keeps this game afloat is the casino element & the benefit of having Zero competition.. For now....
- 5 months ago
Bro I would sell my left nut than rather play this poes * game.. ea games did better than this * fc *
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