@EA_Darko We’ll pass this on.
Make defending stats matter. You shouldn’t be able to mark and defend well with 30 defensive awareness and 27 standing tackle. On the other end, if you have 90+ standing tackle you should AT LEAST disrupt the build up with a tackle not knock it into another attacker who can now score an easy goal.
Call more fouls on non defenders and less on defenders. I’ve gotten red cards for absolute GREAT seal offs and played entire games where players use their attackers to crash into my back full speed and spam circle with no tackles.
Improve attacking AI in accordance with their Att position attribute. I’m tired of being left high and dry in my build up against sweaty spammy players because my AI is just standing around ball watching.
Passing can be terrible and slow when it’s a simple pass and the passer is facing in the right direction. Meanwhile, you can also whip a wild through ball through 3 defenders coming off a turn half way down the pitch. Using high passing midfielders from my experience isn’t necessarily improving the quality of my passes.
Better touches on lobbed passes and more fouls on defenders crashing into you full speed and spamming tackle. It’s hard enough to really nail some of the lobbed passes I could in the last game. It’s aggravating when my controlled player has to take 3 touches before he can even do anything with the ball.
We need a tackle cool down or better mechanics to punish poor, undisciplined defenders who are taking advantage of a game that isn’t properly balanced yet.
More stamina drain on players, especially if they are constantly using their attackers in defense.
Less of the cheesy goals where players didn’t earn it, ie getting a tackle, deflection, etc and it lands at an attackers feet for an easy goal.
More consistency in what’s a foul and what isn’t.
Fix the kickoff glitch.
Tone down the trivela and finesse shot+ play styles.
Make the R1 sprinters easier to tackle than left stick dribbling but not as easy as someone holding R2.
Defense AI in the box needs to be a little better.
Boost the seal offs in certain situations.
Better goal keeping especially protecting the near post when they’re at the near post.
Increase recovery time when defenders miss slide tackles and also improve how players respond when someone is on the ground in front of them.
More accurate, faster ground/lobbed passes.
That’s it for now