@AndyApple wrote:
but this is EA so not getting my hopes up til I see it in the flesh.
this is just a generally good approach.
the cranium tech, i assume, would still be in need of editing and proofing.
first, it'll need to have quite a large number of footage for players (from as many different angles as possbile, too) to properly inform the algorithm. this alone makes "real faces for every player" rather unlikely. the basic information just isnt available. second, they will have too check that it doesnt mess up and creates abominations based on some faults in the database.
BUT ... with a Premier League level of licensing coverage for the other 4 big leagues within the next game or the one after that I'd be happy enough. meaning faces, kits (including thirds, fourths and goalies) broadcasts and stadiums, too.
regarding the stadiums, there are just some beauties out there that dont look like a generic 4 walled arena or ellipsis.
think of (if only for the scenery) Braga, Como, Monaco, Palermo, Atalanta, Monza, Parma, Torino, Genoa, Bologna, Firenze, Monaco, Montpellier, Nantes, Toulouse, Nice, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Kaiserslautern, and other few turkish and greek stadiums too.
some of these would be amazing to have. or just have EAs super AI create some more interesting generative stadia or finally give us the chance to mix and mash elements in a stadium editor.