2 years ago
Turkish Football Lounge
Alright boys.. we've had the thread for 8 years on the old forums which will be missed dearly... As we make the transition to here, let's keep in touch in this thread
Fener squad is really really insane, there is such a big quality difference to our squad. + Cengiz, Fred and Liva will be added
hepsi cok net isim
I know fener always starts like thus but I really can‘t how they could choke this
tadic is such a baller
This should never ever be a pen. Destek kolunu nere soksun
Yeah I know every ref handles this rule differently but his arm is in a natural position when sliding not in the air or something. Then it would be a pen, yes.
Tadic balon. You heard it here first. This is not the mickey mouse kindergarden dutch league. He will have problems. A bit of magic but too slow, immobile.
Angelino is expected to be a balon too.