2 years ago
Turkish Football Lounge
Alright boys.. we've had the thread for 8 years on the old forums which will be missed dearly... As we make the transition to here, let's keep in touch in this thread
Vay * they cancelled that goal 😂 fetosaray and co.
bunu da iptal edin * cocuklari...
this would be an UNREAL bit of business lmaooo
clearest red ever, thanks VAR
this ref is shady af
Oosterwolde with the goal of his young life lol
come on boysssssssss
some players need to be mentally professional and keep it simple. Like Ismail pushing it when it’s unnecessary or Oosterwolde making a run as a cb instead of creating a passing opportunity.
if we keep it simple this will be easy.
Szymanski though 🔥🔥🔥
delik desik ettik hollanda'li ergenleri , hadi sieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BJK won with a last min goal at Kiev
Adana Demir 1-0 up at Genk damnnnn son
but we are really trash
beyler naber ya, hic sesiniz cikmiyo tsk tsk abandoned thread aq (me too lol)
20 dakikada basaksehir'e 3 doseme keyfi. 8-0 pls
what a squad
4-0 ohhh
13 wins in 13 official games.
I legit can't believe how good Oosterwolde is becoming now just wow
o.c. hakemleri yenmemiz sart yine her zamanki gibi.. thank you irfan 2-0.. hadi koyune rize
memiktas implosion noooo muhahahahah Lugano what a team
nobody left here but Fener streak still goes on. 18 straight wins . helal 🙂