DirectX function "Dx12Renderer::wait OnSwapChain GPU timeout detected" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ("The GPU will not respond to more command"). GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080", Driver: 54617. This error is usually caused by the graphics driver crashing, try installing the latest drivers.
This was the first FC/Fifa i have bought since 18 and I regret spending my money on it. Since launch I have tried every possible thing I have seen on forums/Youtube just to be able to play this game without it crashing and there is no fix for this unfortunately. I actually enjoy this game unlike a majority or the community. But it is unplayable on PC, some days you are able to play hours without crashing and then others I cant finish one match without crashing. Drivers are up to date and cleanly installed, reinstalled FC24 multiple times, put graphic setting on lowest possible setting, used a 60 hz monitor, cleared Direct X cache, UnOverclocked my PC, etc. My PC is fully capable of running this game if I am able to run every other game on max settings so I know that it is not the issue I just wish I knew before hand this game is only playable on console. Maybe PC isnt master race for FC lol. EA if you do end up reading this please try and help us PC players out and hopefully you are able to solve this issue, many of us former console players have moved over to PC and would like to enjoy your game as well