Forum Discussion
Gameplay is smooth and squad battles and other offline gamemodes are instant, no delay. But as soon as i play online(Draft, div rivals, co-op, etc) it's smooth for the first five minutes then suddenly the rest of the game there's a 1-3 second delay whenever i move/press a button.
What platform are you playing on?
Also, just a heads up, I'm heading out for the weekend in about 20 minutes and won't be able to pick this up again until Monday. You're all welcome to contact an advisor by following the instructions here to get some help with this.
Also, again, here are links to articles for connection troubleshooting -
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
Ok but befoure you head out, can you just please spread the word to anyone working on the game in EA!
- 2 years ago@NSH_PebarMakken i have the same problems on PC, have 1GBits internet downlaoded the game in 10 minutes but game online is unplayable, even switching player control with L1 needs like 2 seconds and everything has so much input delay, while playing it offline it seems okay
- 2 years ago
Exactly. EA just dont seem to be able to make a problem-free game for once! Last year it was absoulute mayham to even start the game with the whole anti-cheat system and now This! I really hope they fix it SOON.
- 2 years ago
So, I have now managed to "fix" the problem for me twice but I'm still not sure how exactly :D. So I will just put all I did in here and maybe it can help someone else reach a fully working solution.
I had the same problem as others - all smooth in offline modes but in online modes there is a noticeable (0,5s) delay in all actions. And it feels different from regular ping related delay. Ping related delay often slows down gameplay and then speeds it to "catch up". But the delay I have encountered is just a smooth delay that, as others have said, seems to slowly worsen the longer you play. So while it might seem manageble at minute 10, it will be unbearable by minute 40.
I troubleshot my internet for several hours but all seemed fine (ping 8-10ms) and performance was smooth in other games. So, after trying out all logical things, I went to the illogical ones.
For some reason EA FC24 says my monitor is 60Hz with no possibility to change it (it actually is 144Hz and recognized by all other games as such, including previous FIFAs). But frame rate was set at 120FPS by default. So I changed it to 60FPS and voila! Performance was smooth and it was night and day difference compared to how it was. You could feel from the start of the game that it's a completely new experience. Played a second game and exactly the same thing - everything perfect. I then went and changed the FPS back to 120 and input delay came back in online mode. It's not even just input delay but some weird overall stuttering that's difficult to explain.
I was now sure I had found the root cause (screen Hz and FPS didn't match) but when I changed the FPS back to 60 the delay was still there. I restarted my computer but nothing - still delay. I then tried to disable the Playstyle icons as suggested in an earlier post but still nothing.
But then I went and changed the game mode to Windowed borderless and FPS to unlimited and delay was gone again. I have now played 3 games in a row like this and all works amazingly.
Is it possible all the changes I have done have nothing to do with the performance and it has just been server related luck? Possibly. But the "type" of the delay and level of coincidence tells me that it's more probably related to some video settings.
As I have now spent app 5h troubleshooting the game I don't want to test anymore. I'm selfish and want to play the game (because if you get rid of the delay, it's fricking brilliant). So I put this info out here for others. Maybe others can do some similar tests and someone will figure it out fully.
TL;DR - mess around with your video settings - 2 years ago
Currently downloading the game AGAIN, but i will for sure try it! Thank's in advance haha. I also tought it was weird that Hz and fps was two seperate options, EA clearly didn't demo test the game enough!
- 2 years ago
Yay š
- 2 years ago
Thank you, helped š
- 2 years ago
thank you, but this doesn'thelped me ā¹ļø
You just put borderless window and unilmited fps to solve, right? - 2 years ago
Yep - last things I changed were to borderless window and unlimited FPS. But I also feel it's not that simple. It may be connected to some other video settings (maybe in game, maybe in NVIDIA control panel) and I have tinkered with almost all possible settings by now that I don't remember what I have changed before.
As it has helped for a few others I feel it's at least probable that it's not an issue with network but more with some video settings. But what exactly, I don't know ā¹ļø
- 2 years ago
You absolute f*** legend mate! it worked!!!
- 2 years ago
i can confirm that windows borderless and unlimited fps fix the problem for me.. thats the only thing i changed and delay dissapears.. thanks you mate
- 2 years ago
Uncapping FPS and window borderless worked like a charm. Thank you so much! Guys remember that you have to apply those settings. Firsly i forgot and was mad that it didn't work :D
- Blackmamba24vr2 years agoSeasoned Scout
The issue is also present for ps5.
Any idea to fix? I can t change resolution in ps5 or o my samsung tv
- Blackmamba24vr2 years agoSeasoned Scout@lgsnelh Any idea for playstation 5? I have the same problem, but it s not possibile to change resolution or change hrz of my tv
- 2 years ago
The same problem. Delay and sluggish gameplay at PS5 and SAMSUNG tv.
- 2 years ago
Also problem. Monitor SAMSUNG
- 2 years ago
you are the best person in the fgging world i own you my life
- 2 years ago@Blackmamba24vr
Try these settings:
Resolution - 2160p
4K -1
Deep Colour OFF
HDMI device link ON
HDCP ON - ItsJeroenSCC2 years agoRising Rookie
Yea i had the exact same problem and did the same i changed to windowled borderless and changed it to no limit FPS and now i can play smoothly to so i think it might be the soluition to any lagg you have
- 2 years ago
Same problem in Xbox series x only while playing ultimate team in pro clubs and squad battles its fine but in rivals there is a delay, what a waste of money on the pre-order
- Blackmamba24vr2 years agoSeasoned Scout@dmitrinjo i tried, the issue is still present, any other advice?
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