As of 18.20 today it's started doing it again in squad battles. Two games in a row before the game had finished I received the "EA server are unable to process..." message. Was automatically kicked out to the main menu and both game counted as losses even though I was winning them!
@alhoop32 wrote:
As of 2pm today 4th of May every game I complete has ended with a message saying that the EA servers can't process the request.
This mean twice I have been given 3 nil losses in Squad Battles (also missing an objective) in games I have won.
Also a Draft game didn't count as a win.
Issue can't be on my end as other devices are using the internet and have no issue, have also restarted everything.
Am now loosing time to play games, will probably miss out on finishing in elite on SBs and will end up being rushed with Champions finals games as I dare not play any at the moment in case it has a similar issue.
Get your servers working properly and maybe give some compensation to the people who have had this issue!