Forum Discussion
I have the same issue.
Internet is great, ps5 settings are absolutely fine. Its the game play for me. My team has good chemistry 30/33.
I do notice in games on rivals that my players feel unresponsive. Like there is a split second delay. Players don't respond quicker enough to the command your asking them to perform, this would be down to the EA servers and development team to sort out on their side.
There is lots of bugs in the game at the moment. Such as players portraits not showing in their cards, game play is not responsive as it should be....server lag I believe it's called.
Also not sure if anyone else had this issue but when I start up the game all my settings have gone back to default. The controller settings, camera settings, visual settings. Everything goes back to default. This is really frustrating as I have to reset my controller settings etc back to how I have them on PS5.
Feels like when EA are doing multiple ingame updates it's effecting us the players settings.
Perhaps the development team can look into these issues and sort the out ASAP.
Exactly the same thing for me.
been happening since FIFA 14 I think.
it will NEVER be fixed so no point in complaining.
For FIFA 23 I decided to get new internet (1000mb download) and upgraded my Console (PS5). I bought a new remote and spent $2,500 on a new gaming TV. No change.
EA FC 24 was the same.
so this time I called an electrician and set up Ethernet through my house which cost another $250.
After doing this, surprisingly… NOTHING CHANGED. Still the same thing.
I get 2-4ms each game yet it feels like it’s 100+.
My team is uncontrollable and clunky.
All I can say is get used to it like I have.
Does not matter what you do, it will NEVER be fixed.
- 2 years ago
It always been there. Player stuck in mud. One sided sluggishness. Ea always respond its your fult and never acknowledge anything else. It has been the case since fifa 2009 believe it or not. We need another game that compete against eafc for them to do anything. Very pooor poor poor development and respond for a brand like EA.
- 2 years ago
man I thought it was just me. i started playing rivals with my chem 33 86 team.
when the game is smooth, other player disconnects because i am up 2 -0.
or i get thrashed and my players pace is super slow.
i even have alfonso davies and he gets out run all the time.
but the other team is super fast. my players take forever to just control the ball. i even have a recording of my full sprint player just instanlty slowing down for nobm reason.
my ping is usually 8 to 20ms on fiber and ethernet with ps5 having priority.
something fishy and i feel its the cross play with pc users.
- 2 years ago
Because everybody has the same problem. There is no synchronization between scipts on the server and your input. Therefore your players are moving to slow, or not at all and input with the right stick is just ignored. The servers for Battlefield are a mess and the same is going on with EA FC 24.
What they show on Twitch is one big FAKE because the game is just unplayable. It is in a desastrous condition.
If you would play against real players your opponent would have the same problems you have. That he or she does not have is because you are fighting against a script.
Now is a very good time for concurrent games if there will be any. Maybe Fifa really produces a game?
Maybe UFL will astonishingly make it's way to the market?
We will see.
- 10 months ago
Try switch the settings from default to performance rather than graphics this worked for me
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