Is it true?
- 8 months ago
yes it is possible. i have played ALOT of bots on old gen and it only occours in rivals and never champs. i contacted live chat some time ago about it and they told me " we will try to add more real players"
Il post the chat with the advisor. i mainly played old gen version for some time because its a more fluid game "though it has different flaws"
You can notice it straight away when you are playing a bot.
Passing patterns are identical, they only run in straight lines. most of the time they dont even shoot but sometimes they do.. they do 2-3 passes from kickoff then run.
For me it has only happend on old gen and i have never experienced on ps5 version of the game.
At first i thought it was pc coinfarmers with bot program but the i realized i didnt have crossplay on.
Anyways , yes you can meet bots, atleast on old gen version. There is atleast 2 other posts here on the forum about the issue