Player career midfielder playstyles
Why is it that the relentless playstyle is not available for use when playing as a midfielder in player career mode? It is the most logical position to put it in. Yet it is only found when you play as a striker, where it is basically useless. As a striker you only really need to burn stamina when the ball is in the attacking 3rd so you can play quite easily without it. Yet as any form of midfielder it would be immensely useful because you are ALWAYS moving wherever the ball may be. It just seems completely illogical to me. It was the same in FC24 aswell. By the second half of any match, regardless of how many points i have in stamina, I'm nearly always out of it which makes the second half immensely boring. Just make it the way it is in clubs where you can literally choose whichever ones you want. I can almost gauruntee that would get more people into playing the player career mode. Take notes from game studios like rebellion and turn 10 who actually LISTEN to their playerbase and make some changes.