Forum Discussion
57 Replies
did you find the fix? i got the same problem
No. We have to wait the next Title Update I suppose.
Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? rinsik10
Which mode has this happened in? Practice Mode
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to the skill games under "Learn to Play" option. Select the Direct Free Kick practice with any player. You will notice the Tele Broadcast or broadcast camera which makes it impossible to take freekicks. Same thing under skill games in clubs option with the pro.
What happens when the bug occurs? Cannot take a single free kick with the broadcast camera angel during practice.
What should be happening instead? Pro camera for these type of practice types.
Details are mentioned to replicate the bug. Please fix it in the next patch.
When loading free kick training in either the Training Center or Career Mode, the camera defaults to the standard game view from the sideline, which is not suitable for practicing free kicks. This overhead view prevents players from seeing the target direction of the free kick, making it impossible to aim accurately and practice effectively. The camera should allow a better perspective for executing free kicks, similar to the view available in other training modes.
Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? yoboi20008818
Which mode has this happened in? Clubs
Which part of the mode? Skill Games
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go onto the direct free kick adept or in game set pieces on clubs skill games
What happens when the bug occurs? The camera is at a weird angle
What should be happening instead? The camera being at a normal angle
Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? yoboi20008818
Which mode has this happened in? Clubs
Which part of the mode? Skill Games
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just go onto direct free kick adept or I game set peices on the Clubs skill games.
What happens when the bug occurs? The camera for free kicks is bugged and is shown from the side.
What should be happening instead? A normal free kick camera
Me too but on ps5
Me too, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and still have same problem, very frustrating!
ea really needs to fix this game FC 25 as it has so many glitches
as one of the most frustrating thing in game is when you play career mode and go to training selecting of set piece
free kick training you dont have the third person view you get as bird view or we can say camera angle sets to like we play 11 v 11 match its really annoying glitch
pass arent that good we have lost so many feature what was good in fc 24
i hope EA revise that things and fix it quick ….!!!
- EA_Pulsar3 months agoCommunity Manager
Thank you for reporting this issue to us. I'd like to look into this to see what may be causing these problems.
Can you please share the following details to help with our review?
- Gamertag / PSN ID / Username:
- Platform:
- Summary of Issue:
- Game Mode:
- Recent Timestamp (Date, Time, Timezone):
- Does the issue occur every time or just randomly?
- A link to a video or screenshot of the issue would be extremely helpful:
- Gamertag / PSN ID / Username: vinb12345
- Platform: steam
- Summary of Issue: in game set piece minigame camera not in correct position
- Game Mode: manager career mode
- Recent Timestamp (Date, Time, Timezone):
- Does the issue occur every time or just randomly? every time
- A link to a video or screenshot of the issue would be extremely helpful:
About FC 25 Game Modes
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