Forum Discussion
I've seen maybe one or 2 people mention the squad battles games on here other than you and me.
If You and EA think we're upset about just the squad battles right now than that just confirms their negligence towards improving the game. Its gotten more and more disappointing every single year since 16
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs I like the game too. There are improvements for sure. But regardless of how many say it is good or they like it, there are far too many negatives outweighing the positives and the negatives keep on coming back in different but more frustrating ways every September. There hasn't been a smooth release in the last few years.
You also said word for word, "Squad battles being less games is a big issue for the community. This is the best judge to go by as this being the best year so far."
There are just too many complaints many others and myself have that come before squad battles matches being increased. My only complaint with them being, it was better for objs and evos while not being completed by higher skill level players keeping the ranks easy to achieve. Less games makes it more competitive which I wouldn't care about if the gameplay was consistently good.
I for one would like to short pass or play against anything other than 5back formations and "pro tactics" every game.
The servers are still absolutely horrible and random in North America. We constantly play against people thousands of miles away and never have games with less than 30 ping regardless of what the in game graphic says on my screen. - number55 months agoSeasoned Hotshot
Bro where the hell on the forums are people asking for more games because the game is “good” . If youre being facetious, it’s not coming through haha
If you’re not joking, people are asking for more games because they need more games to actually win because the gameplay is the worse there’s ever been. They also want rewards and those are harder to get without more games. No one here is saying “please give us more of this crap gameplay, we love it, I wish I could keep playing it, it’s so rewarding and fun”
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero
@lansenylThis thread is saying the worst fifa ever. It doesn’t matter where you rank wanting more squad battles. The point is people are asking for 3 to 4 times the amount of games because they like playing it.
That’s completely unheard of. You almost never see positive posts. One year on the old forums we designated one positive thread and it never lasted.
So it just can’t be the worst when it’s has some positive posts.
There are a lot of squad battle posts asking for more games. Is it the most popular maybe not but it is one of the more popular post. The reason I know is I got called a racist mentally challenged and an ea defender for even suggesting it could be a positive to play less games.
If people want to play 40 games because they like it thats saying something compared to past fifas. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@number5 Nobody is asking for more games because they don’t like playing it. Who would want to play 40 games if they hate playing it lol.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
Its almost as if the managers are using alternate accounts. So lets all say it nice and loud for them.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl People do want to play it more though those threads prove it. Go ahead go in those next time and tell people they should play less games because it’s bad see what they tell you. Hopefully they are not as rude to you as they was to me.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs I'm looking in all the threads. Something about this forum should be done for the negligence and lack of attention the community gets on here. Are they not on office hours? What do these people actually do to manage the community all day?
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl Look at the threads with ea beside it. Those are the ones that ea post in. The technical and bug forum has more posts by them than general section.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs I've been in there too. Still not too much. There are discussions going on here right now and for weeks that they're 'not seeing". They pick and choose, little to no communication. I don't even want to sound sour but its bull####.
- 5 months ago
I will tell you where they are. They put 2/3 people to watch over the forums and the rest is probably thinking about how to release the new 800k Pack with 2 heroes and 1 icon for 4000 fifa points. Thats what they doing. They do not care about their community since years. I did not mind that much in the previous games. You just say “typical EA” and move on but this year the gameplay is just so unbearable that i am even angry for burning my money. I should have gambled it and probably would have been less frustrated if i lost.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl The last patch came from reports here. To me it seems like they are pretty active. All the pc threads about button delay steam and controllers were all taken from here with ea interacting with the community.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs not even close to a portion of the complaints from the forum. I just want weekly updates and feedback about tweaks and fixes until everyone is happy with the game.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl They have been updating things that are bing fixed but not fixed. They mark those as solved but that’s just for visibility. Just like the getting kicked from server they updated it with workarounds like removing your squad on web app and making a new one. While it’s not fixed they posted the updated until then.
- 5 months ago@lansenyl The thing is bro. They can not make everyone happy. They should focus on improving every aspect of the game. I am not hating on EA because i lost a game and got mad. It is a much bigger problem than that. same bugs , lags and server issues never get fixed. They focus on making money of the game instead of making it enjoyable for the majority of people. Thats why so many people quit throughout the year. What EA wants is money. I purposely mentioned the 800k packs on the previous reply.
The only thing i want is to play a game with good gameplay like 24 but with No bugs , controllers issues , server lags and menu freezes every day and. No packs in the store for 1 million points and guaranteed OP cards at the start of the game and then if a better player destroys me in champs 10-0 i will be able to say gg deserved. But not when i can not even play properly and the game is slow as hell. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero
@retrytoDoesn’t look to be a server problem with lag or delay. There is a big thread in ultimate team section looking for video examples with the input overlay on. Only one person has had delay so far.
Mean online input overlay. After doing that you can see in there more times than not people found out they don’t have delay. At least not to the server. They might have in their setup or a bug like I mentioned in the patch.
- 5 months ago@RadioShaqs The servers are a big problem since years in general. I am not saying that the gameplay is bad because of servers. I just do not like it. And how exactly did they fix crashes and menu lag and bugs ? I am on PC and had issue with it for 3 years straight now. The game just freezes and you have to start it again. This goes until the end of the franchise and repeats itself again next year. It is a never ending cycle. I understand it the first month - new game , new code. Of course there are going to be some bugs , but it is the same the whole year. I can not go into a game in the middle of February with the hope that my game does not crash. And no it is not my PC. I have a high end PC and never had any issue with other games then EA FC. Year after year you want to open play a few matches , do some SBC’s and open some packs without having a stroke and they just can not get it done. Thats the whole point of my critics. The gameplay quality itself (i still do not know how people enjoy this lol) is my personal opinion and just a little addition for me to all the other problems EA has.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@retryto Like I said play with the online input overlay on. One controller is connected to the server and one is local.If your controllers are in syncs or close you ah e little to no delay. If they are 2 seconds apart them you have delay. I’ve never had delay. You can see in that thread though they argued with me for 30 pages or whatever they say they don’t actually have delay. Except for the one he said his controllers are not in sync and posted the video.
There are plenty of threads and in the patch notes highlighting pc problems not server related. I posted this examples in that thread.
Do the online overlay test and see if you are having connection issues or not. If it’s not then you can focus on pc issues like optimization like overheating controllers and steam issues. The pc threads have had a lot of ea interaction. - lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs If you want proper evidence of this just wait and see all the issues streamers are going to have this weekend. You'll find no shortage of evidence across multiple systems with what I can only assume to ne top of the line internet and equipment.
Every game will be some kind of 5+ defender set up and or riddled with input delay and inconsistent gameplay - number55 months agoSeasoned Hotshot
I’ll explain the “more games” better.
It’s a trading card game still and now that more cards are untradeabke and in rewards, people NEED more games, they don’t WANT more games. Big difference.Only credit I will give EA this year is that rush and evos are awesome but what good is it if the player I just spent hours upgrading can’t even move in the game? Can’t complete a pass? Won’t make a run? Can’t make a tackle? Etc.
that’s the big point here!
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl I find very few every turn on the online input overlay as he never did in the video so that doesn’t show delay. He was right about ea needs to ban youtubers that advertise coin selling though.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
The game has a lot for players to work towards and earn right now and it's based on one of if not the most popular and entertaining sports cultures in the world.
The game used to have some kind of passion behind it but now it's nothing more than a football casino that gets closer and closer to a high end mobile game every year. It's disappointing and the lack of communication in threads like this are disrespectful to the community that gives them the ability to keep producing this game.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@number5 You don’t need more games for more rewards though. They just want to play 40 more games. Like I said feel free to tell them if the game is bad and they hate it they should enjoy less games.
I’ve literally seen people who said they hate the game and will never play it again last year come back and ask for 40 games. If they really thought it was bad and unplayable like last year no way would they ask for 40 more that wouldn’t make sense. Unless they are just trolling for fun. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl I think most of the stuff in here has been touched upon by ea. like I said if you have delay they are looking for videos. The one you posted doesn’t show delay as he didn’t use the online input overlay. If nobody posts them it really doesn’t look like an issue.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs
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