5 hours agoNewcomer
Issue with SBC-Storage
Hey there,
i already had a chat with the support this morning about my missing Leandro Paredes (90) card. Turns out, it was in the SBC Storage.
The Problem now is that i cant get it out, no matter which platform i try. "Send to my Club" doesnt work. When i try "send to my Club", nothng happens, no error message, just nothing at all.
Whats really confusing is that i dont have duplicate of this card anymore, so i dont understand why i cant remove it from the SBC Storage. Its super frustrating because ive been having issues with this card since yesterday. At First, i couldnt find it anyhwere, not even in the Storage, and now that it finally shows up, i cant get it out.'
Any idea whats going on? Would really appreciate some help!