I am also a part of this Club (EL Tigers). Any attempt now at loading up the Clubs game mode results in an instant crash. Me and my friends exclusively play this mode and now this is literally impossible. We believe the issue is caused by the AI player customisation, as mentioned above, since our club mate had just saved some changes, and then we all crashed and this bug occurred.
Upon inspection within this forum, there are multiple other people experiencing this issue, some have been experiencing this for up to 8 WEEKS! The game released 15 and a half weeks ago as of me making this post. Which means they have not been able to use a significant portion of the product they have bought for over HALF of the time they have owned this unfinished title. They described the same sequence of events we experienced with the AI Customisation.
The repeated negligence from the moderators of this forum on not providing updates and only giving the most simple of instructions, like, 'restart your game', 'try uninstalling and reinstalling', is simply appalling. This is clearly a very deep in code issue which can only be fixed by these events being reported to the game developers and bug fixing team. I have attached a clip below which shows what happens 100% of the time when trying to load into the game mode. This does not happen occasionally. It happens Every, Single, Time.
This issue occurs on every platform as reported on this forum. This is not an easy fix. EA must investigate into this issue. I have no doubt there are Hundreds, if not Thousands of people experiencing this same issue, but since the Pro Clubs community is a fragment of the games total player base, it is completely ignored in favour of its Gold Mine, Cash Rich counterpart Ultimate Team.