Slow players hacker
Okay, this one's a new one for me, I just started up a game of rivals & I noticed almost straight away that the opposition had all bronze players.
Not knowing that a hack existed, I didn't think to take action before hand.
When the game began, my players wouldn't move & when they did, it was like every single one of them was glued to the floor.
This was a glitch, I was being stopped from controlling them whatsoever & he was playing normally.
You know how when you play single player & you can change the settings so that the opposition has 0 pace, 0 passing etc, that's what it felt like & looked like.
Unfortunately, I didn't think to get their gamertag because I was too busy trying to quit before they got the satisfaction of scoring a goal & me leaving afterwards & I'm on PC, so, finding who I last played seems to be impossible.
I guess, this is more of a heads up to anyone else, if they have a bad team out the gate, pause the game, I've found some information online that apparently this stops them doing this, idk though.