Forum Discussion
233 Replies
Yes same issue here the challenges are also intermittent
Hey just wanted also state that this is happening to me and is causing me to lose great hours of play time from this! Hope this gets fixed soon!
Yeah my mut draft hasnt worked for 2 days. Glad i paid extra for early access.
Platform: PC
PSN ID/Xbox GT: illitaret
Region: United States
Are you getting an error message? Our servers cannot process your request
Which Game Modes(s) is this happening in(H2H2, Solo Battles, Draft, etc)? Mut draft
Are you able to play any other game mode? Yes can play all other game modes
What activity/action are you trying to complete when the message pops up? Was doing it when trying to continue my mut season after game 3 or 4. i was finally able to end the session and now it does it when i try to collect rewards
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)? 8/15 is when it started, problem persists.
Is anything else happening? Yes, sometimes my challenges show up, other times it directs me to mut draft challenges and says i completed them all but gives no stars, i cant click on anything from there.
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: Scanned files, restart, reinstalled
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
Xbox had an update today. Was hopeful. But still broken.
I am getting this error, I have had the error since early release
Is there a way to open a ticket with EA?
Doesn’t seem like any maintenance was completed. Still receiving the same error message the other users have complained about.
Error message while searching