Forum Discussion
233 Replies
Platform:PlayStation 5
PSN ID/Xbox GT: YT_Talon2k
Region:na east
Are you getting an error message? It says your game is till being processed by the ea servers
Which Game Modes(s) is this happening in(H2H2, Solo Battles, Draft, etc)? H2H
Are you able to play any other game mode? Yes
What activity/action are you trying to complete when the message pops up? When I click on regular season to find a match
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)? Started Thursday and is still happening
Is anything else happening?
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: I uninstalled the game and did everything else I would think of to fix it
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
As of an hour ago I am unable to play any Solo MUT Battles for Madden 24 on PS5 as ai get an error, our servers cannot process your request at this time. I have tried changing my lineup, power cycling the PS5, Wi-Fi and router. Changes visual settings and anything else I can. I can play every other aspect of MUT. I can not play solo battles at all.
gamertag: StickyMallocup
system: PS5
I'm having this same problem and it's super annoying. I played a few solo battles today that went just fine, and now on the last available one for the day, any time I try to play it it just says "Error - Our servers cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later" after I pick which difficulty I want to play (doesn't work for any difficulty). Then it kicks me back to the main menu.
It also does this when I try to play MUT Solo/Offline Draft mode. I have rewards waiting to be claimed in that mode and every time I go to claim them, it gives me that same error message and kicks me back to the Madden main menu.
Pretty confusing that a majority of the offline MUT options are inaccessible due to server issues? Seems counterintuitive, I would expect the online modes to be more riddled with these issues, but instead it has locked me out of playing two of my favorite offline modes.
I also tried changing my lineup in a variety of ways I saw suggested (making sure you're not over 53 man roster, setting a new lineup, changing visuals, etc) and none of them have helped.
Makes no sense as to why offline solo battles don’t work due to server errors but all the online features work classic EA
- This is still a reoccurring issue for me even after maintenance and the help line could solve it
If i reinstall it and never open mut draft everything works. If i open mut draft it bricks my game.
same here bro
Platform: Ps5
PSN ID: Im_Zoltan
Region: East coast (PA)
Are you getting this error message? Yes
Which game Modes: H2H, solo battles, champions, squads, and solo challenges
are you able to any game mode: No
methods: Restarted game, router then deleted game and redownloaded it.
date issue occurred: Friday 8/18/23
Yea me too still
I paid to get the game early, and ain’t been able to play