2 years ago
Low FPS on PC
Hey.. come on man.. the game runs extremely bad on follwing hardware: CPU: R5 5600X GPU: RTX 3060Ti SSD RAM: 16GB DDR4 RAM I've put my settings on low with dynamic res on and the games ru...
Hah! Got a solution that works for me at least.
Drop it out of fullscreen and run windowed mode. Just played through a quick game and everything was smooth.
This helps but it still isn't great. We better be getting a real fix for this soon.
Hey Madden Players,
If you are still seeing performance issues or low FPS in Madden NFL 24 on PC please let us know the following:
Are you getting an error message?
Does this happen in a specific mode?
Does playing a second game or switching modes resolve this?
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening?
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue:
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
@Illium, it appears all of these fixes offer momentary relief but the issue keeps popping back up. It's likely CPU throttling based on responses from the community, just my 2c.
For the people who have shared the required information with @EA_Illium , has anyone received any feedback at all?
I managed to get it running well on fullscreen, ultra last night. Cleared the cache and then turned the enhanced hair off. Ran perfectly smooth after that.
Maybe the hair physics are borked? All I know is that it was night and day difference once set to always off
I will have to try that out. I am also curious if the issue is only a Windows 11 problem or if Windows 10 is having issues as well.
im on windows 10 and its unplayable, not just windows 11 if anything works please reply im so upset i was excited as hell to play this game but god damn ea doesnt care
Oh I forgot a step, also did a repair of the app and it did pick up a 34mb difference. Not sure if thats part of the solution but I thought I should mention it anyway.
what are your specs?