Because it was smooth and fluid which people claim its unplayable. One thing people need to understand about PC is that if your pc restarts on one game not others is that games will not cause that on their own, your PC will reboot or bsod because of the hardware, ram sticks, ram going bad on gpu, improper cooling, dirty pc ect, but most users will not accept that because they have blah blah so it should be like that for everyone, and when its not well here we are...i cannot comment on intel stuff because i currently dont have an intel, who knows that is possible but highly unlikely, id be willing to bet that a majority of issues when these arise are on the user end.
Also you keep talking about almighty i9 being best its number 6 on the list behind 5 other amd cpu just to correct you on that...idc who the chip maker is for the record but when i built my PC 3 years ago the 5900x was the chip to get and is still on list today soooo no flexing just speaking up about not having any issues. I will leave with a parting image from toms hardware showing cpu hierarchy tho