2 years ago
[PC] Madden 24 using 100% CPU and 0% GPU
I've tried a few different things including solutions I've found on the subreddit for older Madden games, but none have worked. I went into my Graphics Settings on my PC and forced the game to use my GPU and it didn't work, I tried to locate my settings.ini file or whatever it was called and it was nowhere to be found, and unless I'm blind I was unable to find Adaptive V-Sync anywhere in my NVIDIA settings for Madden 24.
The title is NOT an exaggeration by the way...
CPU: Intel Core i7-11700K
RAM: 16 GB DDR4 2122 MHz
If you have any other solutions I will try them out, but as of now this game is so poorly optimized for PC that it is completely unplayable for me.