Forum Discussion
It's just insane....
- 2 years ago@4_2_0__GREENfn Contacted EA support as I'm having the same issue, they seemed to pretty quickly guess what issue I was having and later said they are aware of the issue. Went to reddit before EA support and someone else contacted EA and got the same response, no time estimate but they said they were working on it so I guess we'll just have to wait for now.
- 2 years ago
Hey everyone! After some troubleshooting i have learned what was causing this problem (for me at least). On my computer i had Game First IV installed, which is an application that came with my motherboard. It essentially tries to boost efficiency of other programs so it doesnt cause too much load on my CPU. I learned that after i exited out of this program, madden started working instantly. My best recommendation is to close every other background process that isn't apart of windows and see if you can find whats blocking yours.
- 2 years ago@Camobuff yeah i contacted them yesterday and got the same response :/ Sad they cant release a game that works on launch
- 2 years ago
Same error here. Game not working after Anticheat starts. Nothing helps. Virusscanner + Firewall deactivation, Adminuser, new installation, nothing helps. Waste my money for the last time on ea...
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