10 years agoAuction Glitch
Bid on player in auction, did not recieve if I won of lost bid and cannot get coins back..... Any ideas? Lost 35,000 kind of upset
What can i do about it I've lost 70000 and got nothing it has left me almost broke
I bid for 4 players and nobody else bid and time ended i didt get any players and my coins did not refunded
So im playing madden mobile on my phone and I bid for Brent Grimes for 35k I lost the bid, but knowing that I'd get my money back I'd be fine
BUT FOR SOME REASON I DIDN'T GET IT BACK. No pop up to bid back to get it again no nothing.
I've restarted my phone but I still haven't gotten my coins back anyone know how to fix it this is really annoying
I bid on a player that was going to end in 34 minutes and then later when i came the back the auction was gone, i kept refreshing "My Bids" and the player itself just disappeared with that my madden mobile coins i used to bid on this player just disappeared 70k down the drain.