Forum Discussion
31 Replies
- Anonymous9 years ago
I Lost 3,388,046 coins do to the auction house glitch. Early Monday morning 4/11/2016 sometime after midnight like I do every night. I bid on high value cards in hope that I might win one. To my surprise when I logged in around 10am est. the same morning the cards that I had lost to by way of out bid. When I went to claim my coins back on the lost bid cards I did not receive my coins back. The bids I did win. When I went to claim the card I never got the card or my coins. I contacted EA technical support team right away. They told me that there was a issue and there where working on a resolution or a fix. Told me to wait 24 to 48 and if I did not receive my coins or cards back to resume the case. Well it has been 48 plus hours. I resumed the case and got a call back. Again they admit that the issue is real and that they have had thousands of complaints and ask for more time to resolve the issue. The girl I spoke to was really nice to me and understood where I was coming from. Being a rewards member and spending the hundreds of dollars in this game to compete to have the best players is not easy. I explain to her and many here might agree that the only way to make coins is to spend real money because of all the bots in the game that hijack the auction house. My question then was if there is no resolution to my issue would I be entitled to get my real money back that I spent playing this game to earn the coins that I lost. She said to give EA more time to correct the issue and sent me a email link to this EA forum to share my issue with others having the same problem. Hopefully as a community we can come together and bring this issue to EA and force the hand to recover are losses. I feel your pain community and also I feel real bad for people like me that have spent real money into this game and have everything you worked hard for be taken away. I challenge EA as a paying customer to make it right and protect the integrity of the game that most of us love.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Waited for 24-hours, nothing happened. Contacted ea, had a nice chat but nothing could be done. Really disappointed as about 300k was lost.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I agree. Well said.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Account Name is JimboLogo.
Ive posted in this thread about me losing 20 players in the overnight auction house bug. on the night of 4/11/16. Ive posted in the EA bug forum section. My ticket number is 23351066.
---I have not heard any response from anyone or heard anything. Please check the servers to see my players Ea. Please.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Any progress or news EA? Please update us here and keep us in the loop with what's going on and what's going to happen with this problem. You have a lot of concerned customers. Thank you.
- Anonymous9 years agoI couldnt agree more..ive got 2 really good accounts and ive spent over a thousand dollars easily..i lost a 99 chrisnjohnson +2 accel to all worth 1.5 mill....and i never have that many coins. I sold a lot to get him. And yeah since we spent real money they have to reimburse us or they will have a big problem on their hands for sure. I refuse to be robbed when we already over pay for everything we buy. Smh
- Anonymous9 years ago
@edawg4life wrote:I Lost 3,388,046 coins do to the auction house glitch. Early Monday morning 4/11/2016 sometime after midnight like I do every night. I bid on high value cards in hope that I might win one. To my surprise when I logged in around 10am est. the same morning the cards that I had lost to by way of out bid. When I went to claim my coins back on the lost bid cards I did not receive my coins back. The bids I did win. When I went to claim the card I never got the card or my coins. I contacted EA technical support team right away. They told me that there was a issue and there where working on a resolution or a fix. Told me to wait 24 to 48 and if I did not receive my coins or cards back to resume the case. Well it has been 48 plus hours. I resumed the case and got a call back. Again they admit that the issue is real and that they have had thousands of complaints and ask for more time to resolve the issue. The girl I spoke to was really nice to me and understood where I was coming from. Being a rewards member and spending the hundreds of dollars in this game to compete to have the best players is not easy. I explain to her and many here might agree that the only way to make coins is to spend real money because of all the bots in the game that hijack the auction house. My question then was if there is no resolution to my issue would I be entitled to get my real money back that I spent playing this game to earn the coins that I lost. She said to give EA more time to correct the issue and sent me a email link to this EA forum to share my issue with others having the same problem. Hopefully as a community we can come together and bring this issue to EA and force the hand to recover are losses. I feel your pain community and also I feel real bad for people like me that have spent real money into this game and have everything you worked hard for be taken away. I challenge EA as a paying customer to make it right and protect the integrity of the game that most of us love.
Update, Resumed the case today. Got a call back from EA. I told them I never have received what I lost back. The guy told me the issue with the auction has been fixed and all item lost coins or cards should have been returned to my account. Then they he read me so disclaimer about that if I'm lying about what I say I lost and I'm found to be lying they would ban my account and asked me if I agree to the disclaimer. I said yes and he proceeded to ask me what cards I lost how much coin amount and the exact number I bid on each card and the time that I did my bidding. He put me on hold for a couple minutes and to my surprise he was able to locate the cards I bid on. Then he proceed to tell me that the cards in question that I lost bids on and did not receive coins back from that the computer says I did and the other card I had a bid on for 2 million the computer says I did a buy now. I was really shocked of this news. He then proceeded to tell me that computer is never wrong and the tools EA gives them to do the search is the best in the business and if the computer says you are a liar you are but I'm not personally saying that. Basically you are not getting anything back. I then began to question the process and why it took so long for them to do such a search. Because they could have told me with in the first 24 hours was a liar and the computer says so. He had no answer other then there is nothing I can do for you. I then question him about the disclaimer and because your computer has found me to be a liar is my account going to get banned. He said no I would not do this to you because you are a loyal madden customer and spend a lot of money and I would never turn this in to have you banned. To end this I question a lot of things from the timeline to the computer search of my account and the in accuracy of the system to show in there favor and to make me out to be a liar. When I have been a loyal customer and have spent hundreds of dollars into this game and have never complained of any issue of such matter. I really don't know what to think other than that I have been scammed and or setup to where I could not demand a refund of anything because the computer says it never happened. Any advice on what to do next because when I contact google and PayPal to file a dispute for my money back EA tells them they fixed the issue and that the items I paid for being madden cash I received them. But they ignore the fact that you use madden cash to make coins to buy players of choice. Last I checked you can not buy anything in the auction house with madden cash. It a setup and they have covered there all areas to keep from giving you or I anything back. Everyone I know in my league that lost items or coins because of this glitch has not received anything back. This how you become a billion dollar corporation. Take back what people have bought and hope they come back for more. I hope everyone reading this can understand that if its not in your hand you are at a loss already. the virtual world we play this game in does not care about you. There out for your dollar and people like you and me who spend money to make this game a free app to play are setting the next victim up to be robbed. I don't believe they set out to this on purpose but when they sat down and looked in to the amount of money they would have to pay back because of this glitch. That's when the greed set in and they came up with a plan to deflect paying customers like me. Good luck guys on ever getting what was lost back because they are good at what they do and that is making and keeping your money.
- Well stated edawg4life! I too went through the process of basically be called a liar with that disclaimer *. I was told, at last conversation anyway, I would be getting my items returned to me but that still hasn't happened. So my guess is if I resume my case I will get similar * answers. I will never spend another penny on any EA product or in app purchase after this incident. This has been possibly the worst customer service experience I have ever had with any company and I have had my share of bad ones. F EA all day!
- Anonymous9 years ago
SERIOUSLY EA? You are really turning your back on thousands of people? That's so wrong. Calling people liars even after seeing the transaction history? So people that put cards on the market for sale you are saying never put those cards on the market, thousands of us are liars with the same story? Funny how this company is not registered with the BBB.
- Anonymous9 years agoDamn edawg4life that's tough. Thanks for the information though. EA just gave me 300 madden cash am i the only one they gave it to? I hope that's not all they're giving us for compensation
- Everyone got $300 cash regardless if they were effected or not. I also sincerely hope that isn't their resolution to the issue because I along with several others had much more than $300 in cash lost.
- Anonymous9 years agoMuch agreed i lost almost 1000000 coins worth of players 300 madden cash is nowhere near enough compensation
- Anonymous9 years ago
Thanks for the post edawg4life. That's very concerning to me. I've been hoping they would find the error and fix it, not come back empty handed.
I'm likely out $1.2m due to this glitch.
Just curious... I removed and then reinstalled the app hoping that would trigger the coins to return. Now I'm wondering if that erased my auction history so they can't find my lost transaction details. Did you remove and reinstall the app as well?
- Anonymous9 years ago
$300 madden cash is our compensation? And everyone gets the cash not just people who lost content? That's really weak sauce right there. More like 300,000 madden cash for your crumby mistake to some people. I am only out a little over $100k from some players in my account that disappeared. Listen to how many people are out millions in coins due to this. $300 madden cash is a fart in the wind. This does not even come close to compensating what was lost on bids and cards. I used to really like EA. [Comment Removed - Admin.]
- Anonymous9 years ago
@Milner95762 wrote:Thanks for the post edawg4life. That's very concerning to me. I've been hoping they would find the error and fix it, not come back empty handed.
I'm likely out $1.2m due to this glitch.
Just curious... I removed and then reinstalled the app hoping that would trigger the coins to return. Now I'm wondering if that erased my auction history so they can't find my lost transaction details. Did you remove and reinstall the app as well?
I tried everything that morning from deleting the app an reinstalling. That's not the problem here. EA has there system and data base to say what they want. The support guy was able to track my cards in the auction house that morning. The problem is they reversed everything I had go wrong and made me out to be a liar. I claim I did not receive coins back on a card there system say I did. The other bid I lost for 2 million and did not get coins they say I did a buy now and because I have the same card in my lineup I'm a liar. Again this is a multi billion dollar corporation that controls there system data and software. If they want to make you out to be a fool they can. This is a classic set up in which they covered up the truth because they where gonna lose millions of dollars. Then the 300 madden cash this morning as a apology is a slap in the face. 150 madden cash is = $7,500 coins based on propack cost. Thanks for $15,000 of my coins back EA. So I lost close to $3.4 million coins. By EA's math of the cost of a propack is 150 madden cash. Then they owe me 68,000 madden cash to make up for my coins lost. This is my point they are not going to compensate are losses because one they give us are money back or madden cash equal to are coins loss. If they did one off the two they would lose millions of dollars. Give money back they lose. Replace coins lost with madden cash we all buy bundles and we crash the auction house market they lose cause people stop buying bundles. Also they have no way to return coins or cards that are lost in the game coming from a personal IT Specialist I know. They can track but they cannot give you such items or coins. EA has a huge problem and they think by painting us in a corner and making us out to be liars and threatening us with there disclaimer about banning are accounts we will go away. Personally I'm looking into legal actions. Also community don't kid yourselves Google play store, Apple store, Google cards, ITunes cards, and Paypal will stand behind EA because they all make huge profits off this game. I'm gonna end this with saying do not use those forms of payments. I had one transaction for $99,99 dollars I paid with my credit card and they where able to get that back. The others told me there is nothing we can do for you. The items you paid for you received being madden cash. I'm thankful for the getting back $99,99 but I lost about $800 dollars plus through PayPal and Google play cards.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I have spent more real money on this game than anyone I know (literally thousands) and have lost over 80 million in coins and player cards this year due to glitches. My league will not spend a dime with EA until they restore what was lost. I should at least get a couple of gold card players. Instead they put "resolved" next to my claim number and give me the same 300 Madden cash that everyone gets. I am a lobbyist, and perhaps Congress should review EA's practices.
- Anonymous9 years ago$300 madden cash...what am I supposed to do with that? Buy a pro pack to replace my level 98 and 91 lost? Wow.
- Anonymous9 years ago
EDawg if you do find a way we could [Comment Removed - Admin.]. We should maybe post on another forum if you do so we can all discuss actions. We need to work together to figure this out as a community. This company has all the resources to properly reimburse.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Same here I lost 98 zach thomas in the auction house. [Comment Removed - Admin.] I would be gladly to join thousands of unhappy customers with this issue!
- Anonymous9 years ago
i lost 3.75 mil the same way you did, while bidding on a player, i didn't get my coins back, i had to pay another 3.75 mil to get the player.
- Anonymous9 years ago
@edawg4life wrote:
@edawg4life wrote:I Lost 3,388,046 coins do to the auction house glitch. Early Monday morning 4/11/2016 sometime after midnight like I do every night. I bid on high value cards in hope that I might win one. To my surprise when I logged in around 10am est. the same morning the cards that I had lost to by way of out bid. When I went to claim my coins back on the lost bid cards I did not receive my coins back. The bids I did win. When I went to claim the card I never got the card or my coins. I contacted EA technical support team right away. They told me that there was a issue and there where working on a resolution or a fix. Told me to wait 24 to 48 and if I did not receive my coins or cards back to resume the case. Well it has been 48 plus hours. I resumed the case and got a call back. Again they admit that the issue is real and that they have had thousands of complaints and ask for more time to resolve the issue. The girl I spoke to was really nice to me and understood where I was coming from. Being a rewards member and spending the hundreds of dollars in this game to compete to have the best players is not easy. I explain to her and many here might agree that the only way to make coins is to spend real money because of all the bots in the game that hijack the auction house. My question then was if there is no resolution to my issue would I be entitled to get my real money back that I spent playing this game to earn the coins that I lost. She said to give EA more time to correct the issue and sent me a email link to this EA forum to share my issue with others having the same problem. Hopefully as a community we can come together and bring this issue to EA and force the hand to recover are losses. I feel your pain community and also I feel real bad for people like me that have spent real money into this game and have everything you worked hard for be taken away. I challenge EA as a paying customer to make it right and protect the integrity of the game that most of us love.
Update, Resumed the case today. Got a call back from EA. I told them I never have received what I lost back. The guy told me the issue with the auction has been fixed and all item lost coins or cards should have been returned to my account. Then they he read me so disclaimer about that if I'm lying about what I say I lost and I'm found to be lying they would ban my account and asked me if I agree to the disclaimer. I said yes and he proceeded to ask me what cards I lost how much coin amount and the exact number I bid on each card and the time that I did my bidding. He put me on hold for a couple minutes and to my surprise he was able to locate the cards I bid on. Then he proceed to tell me that the cards in question that I lost bids on and did not receive coins back from that the computer says I did and the other card I had a bid on for 2 million the computer says I did a buy now. I was really shocked of this news. He then proceeded to tell me that computer is never wrong and the tools EA gives them to do the search is the best in the business and if the computer says you are a liar you are but I'm not personally saying that. Basically you are not getting anything back. I then began to question the process and why it took so long for them to do such a search. Because they could have told me with in the first 24 hours was a liar and the computer says so. He had no answer other then there is nothing I can do for you. I then question him about the disclaimer and because your computer has found me to be a liar is my account going to get banned. He said no I would not do this to you because you are a loyal madden customer and spend a lot of money and I would never turn this in to have you banned. To end this I question a lot of things from the timeline to the computer search of my account and the in accuracy of the system to show in there favor and to make me out to be a liar. When I have been a loyal customer and have spent hundreds of dollars into this game and have never complained of any issue of such matter. I really don't know what to think other than that I have been scammed and or setup to where I could not demand a refund of anything because the computer says it never happened. Any advice on what to do next because when I contact google and PayPal to file a dispute for my money back EA tells them they fixed the issue and that the items I paid for being madden cash I received them. But they ignore the fact that you use madden cash to make coins to buy players of choice. Last I checked you can not buy anything in the auction house with madden cash. It a setup and they have covered there all areas to keep from giving you or I anything back. Everyone I know in my league that lost items or coins because of this glitch has not received anything back. This how you become a billion dollar corporation. Take back what people have bought and hope they come back for more. I hope everyone reading this can understand that if its not in your hand you are at a loss already. the virtual world we play this game in does not care about you. There out for your dollar and people like you and me who spend money to make this game a free app to play are setting the next victim up to be robbed. I don't believe they set out to this on purpose but when they sat down and looked in to the amount of money they would have to pay back because of this glitch. That's when the greed set in and they came up with a plan to deflect paying customers like me. Good luck guys on ever getting what was lost back because they are good at what they do and that is making and keeping your money.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. EA has had more then enough time to fix this issue. There just kicking the can down the road and playing us as fools. Unless you are attorney and can file a law suit you might be able to recover real money spent on this game. The money it would cost to fight them and there big shot attorneys. You would end up losing more money. EA claims to cash paying costumers like me you got what you paid for meaning madden cash. They will hide behind this until you give up. They don't care about the fact that madden cash is to used to get better players and sell players in return for coins to get better. Reality check EA madden cash = coins. Lets look at the big picture. This issue they have if they cared they would shut down the auction house and the store until issue was fixed. What they do is continue to move on like nothing is wrong. They continue to add new bundles to buy. They don't care about us. All they care about is making money. Take my advice buyer beware. I will never trust them again.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Your preaching to the choir my friend have gotten the same run around from them. I've spent alot of 💰 money on madden to I only lost 4 items but as hard as it is to get players and to accumulate coins two of the players cost me around 800,000 in coins I know I see players spending 3 times as much as that on one player but I've never been able to save that much coins so 800,000 is alot for me and has pretty much made me to start over. I think ea was only worried about stopping the cheaters and don't really care about the people that spend their hard earned cash that don't cheat that got caught up in their computer glitch. They took back the coins and players from the cheaters and we that didn't cheat but happened to be playing the game when they were purging the game. We were just collateral damage and we're never going to see our players or coins again. That 300 coins for everyone in October is bs that doesn't help the players like us that got ripped off for hundreds of thousands of coins. Ea is nothing more than a thief. Yes I'm pissed.
- Anonymous9 years agoI lost a 94 LB which is not much compared to some of you guys. I reported the matter promptly and have the horrendous experience of dealing with ea customer service.
They repeatedly close my complaint saying it is resolved but never replace the player. They are literally a joke. i have emailed the ceo because the responses are unacceptable. - Anonymous9 years ago
This is to follow up on my earlier post. EA contacted me and their representative worked with me and refunded my most recent loss. I was impressed.
- EA_Barry9 years ago
Community Manager
Good news @xaieg.
Anyone else who may still be affected please be patient as you can see these cases are getting resolved.
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