@urhelke wrote:
I am doing exactly the same thing. I have 1 hour of playtime and I just refuse to play till the bugs like quests not working will be fixed.
I'm probably gonna wait much more 🙂
If you wish, but I would guess for majority of people broken quests isn't a thing. 160hours in, 2nd playthrough 3/4 done or so nothing totally broken so far, bar a handful random tasks on planet (find/fetch this and that). 3-4 frozen quests where something didn't trigger, but all fixed (for me) by loading an earlier save.
This partly is perhaps why the patching takes time. The majority of issues are non-systemic (do not affect everyone), there fore it is much more difficult to find the underlying cause. In comparison with "crazy eyes" which everyone had, so quick to fix which they did in 1.05.