Forum Discussion
Agreed on the lack of diversity of the planets / weather patterns, at one point I was expecting a massive downpour on the jungle planet to finish the massive rainforest motif going on with that planet only to never see a drop of rain.
I could see why the weather patterns may be limited on consoles due to limited resources, but seriously the option should be there.
For the empty store in NG+ are you between levels 61-70? That's a bug numerous people have come into, basically 1 tier weapons/armor refusing to spawn right. -- This effects not only vendors but the item crates as well.
Another thing broken in NG+
Special/Mission items are not removed from your inventory so it causes certain continuity errors in game "Vague to avoid posting spoilers"
Now something I saw in 1.04 but am not sure if its in 1.05
Relationships don't seem/feel fluid or real much at all... it's all just a "Paint by numbers & Connect the Dots" mashup to get to the fireworks with X before basically getting ignored after that scene.
There's plenty more but it's all been posted to death on the bugs forum so I'll bite my tongue for now 🙂
I completely agree about the relationships. I went through the anticipation and joy of romancing my Angara baby-daddy...only to have options still in the conversation wheel to ask about "Personal" stuff, such as "Do you have a mate?" and the like. It makes no sense to still have those base options once you're obviously that person's significant other.
I kept returning to Jaal thinking I'd get at least ONE cut-scene where we share a kiss or something, like when I romanced Bull and Dorian in DA: I...but no...nothing. I think that's something else the Andromeda developers need to work on. It just seems like romancing someone is useless because there's not even a kissing scene you can just keep playing over and over and to your heart's content, whenever you just want to "steal some time" with your galactic boo. There's nothing tying you to the relationship. Seems pretty empty. It's like, "Oooo, yay, we're mates now! Let's ignore each other from now on."
Seriously, Jaal flirts more with Peebee than me when we're cruising around in the Nomad. I can easily picture Joi Ryder getting irritated, angry, and jealous as she's gunning across the dunes of Elaaden, listening to her man discuss Angaran and Asari mating possibilities, and Jaal telling Peebee how wonderful, fascinating, interesting, sensual, and blah-blah-blah she is. Meanwhile, Joi's the chopped liver, hit-it-and-quit-it one-night-stand. Seriously. Haha.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, is that bug console only? I'm on my 2nd playthrough where I'm trying to make sure I picked up on all the bugs I can (the time spent definitely isn't willing... just a attempt to in time have things fixed and a game worthy of the Mass Effect name) and I haven't encountered that problem with patch 1.05.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx nope, I am playing PC and this happened to me right after the patch, not sure what triggered it, but it seems others are having the same issue.
It's a real pain in the neck, I can't tell if this affects the game at all or is just a journal update error, but right now I have outposts on all worlds and Eos says 0% viability and so do the others. In my post about this bug I wrote down all the steps I did before this happened, basically on Jaal's loyalty mission after killing Akzuul I reloaded the game via autosave and did the last part of the loyalty mission where I didn't kill him in the end. right after that all hell broke loose
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, That sounds like another one of those nefarious randomly occurring bugs. Added to first post.
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