Forum Discussion
As a point of interest for some perhaps I thought I would do a summary of what I think about the characters. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts.
Alec - Easily the most interesting character and by far the best voice acted that would of made ME:A a far, far better game had he been the main character. Well done on killing the character I think everybody would of happily played as in minutes Bioware. (add a sarcastic clap here if you wish)
Male / FemRyder - Not as bad as some people may make out, can't hold a candle to daddy-ryder though and a lot of the dialog is cringe worthy. I feel truly sorry for the people that had to try and make something of that woeful script for these characters.
Liam - Kill him.
Cora - What is her point? Feels like she is meant to be the biotic version of Ashley and just flat out fails. Poor writing again.
Jaal - Hes alright, pretty generic. He needs to be harbouring some kind of dark secret to really make him come in to his own and be a memorable character. Not sure why he has a Garrus-esc vibe / appearance though thats just weird.
Vetra - Blatantly female Garrus, does ok. Why did someone think we needed both Jaal and Vetra to be Garrus-esc? Writing so poor you literally had to have two characters to try and fill the place of one Garrus? Get your acts together.
Suvi - Easily the best voice acted character with decent dialog (make her a party member like a discussion between her and Ryder eludes to) next to daddy-ryder. See Bioware, this is the standard you need for ALL of the characters, you know, like the original ME games did.
Kallo - He needs to be involved more especially with flight related things like planets that are dangerous to land on, once again he needs better dialog and make him interesting by giving him a science black-ops background (not STG Bioware use some creativity will you?) and thats why he was chosen.
Lexi - Kill her, dialog so bad sounded like she was phoning it in all the time. The actress is good, you gave her * to work with Bioware.
Peebee - Kill her.
Drack - Very good. He may stay.
Addison - Once again atrocious dialog made all the worse by the character being horrendously badly animated.
SAM - Christ this character is * can't hold a candle to EDI.
Gil - Just kill him, there is literally no point in him except to argue with Kallo. That is as shallow as shallow comes.
Archon - One of the better characters but heavily, HEAVILY, under used.
Notice a pattern here? Alec, Suvi, Drack, Archon, all really good characters I'd put money on a totally different person writing them as opposed to all the other characters. Lets hope the remnant are actually little reaper bots and the reapers are hiding somewhere to swoop down and kill everyone (would explain why the Archon sounds exactly like Sovereign) because as far as the rest of the characters and story goes it could not be any more bland or cookie cutter if it tried.
- Anonymous8 years agoBioWare, PLEASE get rid of SAM! This nerve wrecking voice is TERROR for my ears. Bring back EDI, or create something like EDIs sister or whatever, but kill off SAM.
- 8 years ago
@JeRabo81, Sadly, I think you are right.. despite Bioware and EA doing absolutely nothing to deserve even a penny more from anyone who has bought MEA. Any DLC for MEA should straight up be a "We're Sorry". Go to youtube if you can't hear English Liam in your game you will soon see why I simply left it at "kill him". He is the most whiny incompetent fool with a irritating voice to boot. I REALLY didn't like Jacob because of his kind of whiny nature but he was nowhere near as bad as Liam. I don't like how you are put in the position of Bioware trying to force Liam on to the player as their "best bud" either. I was seriously hoping Liam would get spaced during "that mission". :D
SAM is also the most dull character I have ever had to endure in a game, if Bioware wanted SAM to kind of resemble Alec ok I get that, but to get it to work and be organic Alec needed to be kept around I can even imagine some quite funny moments between SAM and Alec as SAM becomes more "organic" working on his humor by trying to tell Alec a joke. Without Alec SAM is just a irritating voice you can't mute.
@nerdsrus45, If you happen to see Bioware respond to what you posted with this link on twitter let us know it would be interesting to see what they say.
- 8 years ago
I had to stop playing immediately to bring this one up! On the Nexus, the PA announcements I suppose their meant to be, the voice that says someone has died but the name is being withheld until next of kin in the Milky Way is notified. WHAT IN THE * BIOWARE!!! Any "next of kin" is 634 years dead. By the time a message is sent back to the Milky Way, assuming you can send it at the same speed the Arks traveled it would be 1268 years any "next of kin" would be over a millennia dead! Never mind that whole family line more than likely just won't be around any more and who in the hell assuming by some miracle that family line hasn't died out is going to dig back over 1268 years of family tree history just to go "oh yeah, he was a member of our family waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Oh well."
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