Mass Effect Legendary Edition Steam Version Not Launching
- 24 days ago
@EA_Shepard It has been fixed!!!! Finally, after all this, it launches every time!
Thank you so much for all the time you and @holger1405 spent helping me!
After going through these steps it still did not work. So I went to a friend's house to try it on a different CPU and network to make sure that it was not account related. Because it felt like we had tried so much I just wanted to be sure. It went just fine on his CPU with no trouble. So I came back and thought about it more and the idea to try it on a hotspot again felt like it might be worth it. I believe early on one of you mentioned trying it on a different network. It did not work then but when I tried it now it works fine every time. So one of these steps cleared the problem but I can not point to which one. It is the same hot spot that I tried before. This time however it did the preparing game for a bit then asked me which save I wanted on the cloud, the local one or the one that was used at my friend's house. I chose local and it launched to the main menu!
I believe my internet which is pretty slow is too slow to do whatever verification is needed to launch. On the hotspot it goes a lot quicker when trying to launch. So maybe that info will help you guys later if someone else is having as much trouble as me. I wish I could point to the step that fixed it so that it could work with the hotspot but it has been some time since I had last tried that.
Thanks again.
Is there anything I need to do to mark this as solved? Or does it not matter for the forum post? This has been my first time here.