Forum Discussion
[PC, v1.05]
Decided to reload a save and see what happens the other way around:
- headed to the "drug house" first, "Emergency S.O.S." triggered as normal, talked to the dudes -- didn't have the UV lamp yet, so my character said "I'll have to get back to you on that, or maybe not" --- "Emergency S.O.S." completes, "Herbal Entrepreneurs" didn't trigger at this point
- next I went to the "Nexus Refuge" -- talked to the turian treating the sick man - aside from the "unless you can conjure up some antibiotics..." talk, nothing
- still @ "Nexus Refuge," I talked to the salarian next -- he gave me the UV lamps, "Herbal Entrepreneurs" triggered
- beelined it back to the "drug house," gave them the UV lamp, got a plant sample in return -- "Herbal Entrepreneurs" completes, no new mission triggers
- I zoomed back to "Nexus Refuge" blind (again) and spoke with the turian doc -- again, all he said was "Let me know if you find some medicine," no other options, can't give him the plant.
>> again, "Emergency S.O.S." and "Herbal Entrepreneurs" trigger and complete, "Running a Fever" never triggered.
From the looks of it, "Running a Fever" is supposed to trigger either when you first talk to the turian at the "Nexus Refuge", or when you get the plant sample at the drug house, ooor when you scan the plant there. Or we're supposed to scan the plant and then actually pick one up (tried, couldn't interact with the plants)?
- 8 years ago
Same issue..
Started by talking to the doctor and the request for medicine and then got the Outlaw SOS.. handed over the UV light and scanned everything there..
go back to nexus refuge and unable to hand in.
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